Chapter 43

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Luke's POV

I had the Peewee game before the rec game and I told David that I might have to quit and I told him about the OHL. He had a wide smile on his face when I told him and he told me to go for it. I didn't say anything to the kids because I was hopeful that I could get another chance if I did leave.

I was there early because there was no point leaving the rink. I changed into my gear and started to skate lazy circles around the rink. I didn't feel like properly warming up yet so I kept the pace slow.

Jamie and Alex were the next ones onto the ice and I smiled when they got out. They joined me in skating at a slow pace we caught up about things that had happened since we last talked. I had called Jamie and talked to him and Alex about my Dad so they already knew about that.

"How are you going?" Jamie asked before anyone else joined me.

"Not too bad but you know," I said vaguely.

He nodded and we were joined by more players and we started to properly warm up before the game. I was excited to start the game and I was glad when the first puck dropped. I liked playing with the rec team and the whole game was a lot of fun.

It was helped that we won 4-0 and Dylan and I both had two goals. The locker room was loud afterwards and there was no question that we were going out for food afterwards. I realised that I wanted to talk to all of them about the OHL so I kept it quiet about it for now.

We went to our usual place and I felt myself getting nervous about the conversation that I was about to start. I really don't know why I found it so nervous but nerves work like that. I waited until after we had all ordered and the waiter had left as alone before I got Jamie to silence everyone.

"Alright guys, Luke has something that he wants to say," Jamie said.

The table was quickly covered in silence. Everyone had turned to face me and I twisted my fingers together under the table.

"So after my most recent school hockey game a scout came up to me and he was from the Flint Firebirds of the OHL and they want me to start playing and training with them next week," I said.

Everyone started talking and Jamie had to silence everyone again so that I could understand what I was getting asked.

"What have you said?" Connor asked.

"I haven't said anything yet. I wanted to talk to everyone first before I said anything," I admitted.

I got a very obvious answer from my teammates that I should take it.

"The OHL though, becoming real for you," Matt teased.

I smiled slightly and that got people talking. I didn't really follow the junior leagues but as soon as Cameron had approached me I started to look it up. They were sort of middle of the table at the moment but some of their players looked quite good and it looked like they had the making for a really good team.

We didn't talk about it with the whole team anymore. Dylan and I started our own conversation and not surprisingly the first thing that he wanted to talk about was the Firebirds.

"You have to join the team," he told me.

"You seem certain about it," I said.

"I have seen you play. You are a good player as well as being dedicated. You deserve a chance like this," he assured me.

"But what if I'm not good enough?"

"Luke, you are a really good player and even if you don't make the team, which you will, you tried it. You will regret it if you don't go," he told me.

I nodded and we joined in the rest of the group's conversation. I felt myself relax now that I wasn't talking about me. The food was good like always and I had a lot of fun with the guys.

"Do you want to come around and talk?" Jamie asked as we were leaving.

I nodded so I said goodbye to all the guys and Dylan before heading out with Jamie and Alex. We didn't talk much as Jamie drove to their house. We all headed straight in the lounge. Alex and Jamie sat together on the couch and I sat opposite them.

"Are you going to go?" Jamie asked.

"I think so. I haven't talked to Brynn or Mom yet but I think I will," I said.

"You totally deserve it. You deserve better than Mark and the shitty school team," Alex added.

I nodded and I could feel tears starting to run down my face.

"I'm going to miss you guys. You have been so good to me," I said softly.

Jamie smiled at me and gestured for me to join them. I stood up and sat down on Jamie's side. We sat there and talked more about hockey.

"I don't know much about the Firebirds. What are they like?" Jamie asked.

We started talked about them and Alex grabbed his laptop and we started to watch games together and talk about their players and plays.

"You are going to fit in with them well," Jamie said.

I nodded and I had pretty much made up my mind after talking to these guys, the team, Justin and Dylan that I was going to go.

"At least we will get to say that we played with a NHL star," Alex smirked.

"I might not even make the OHL, let along the NHL," I protested.

"You are going to." Alex assured me.

I ended up staying the night at their place because I got too tired to get up and walk home and didn't want to ask Jamie to drive me home. The spare room was still made up from when I stayed here because they were too lazy to change it so I stayed there.

I was about to fall asleep when Jamie suggested that we all go to bed. I grabbed my phone from on the table and saw that I had a message from Brynn agreeing to meet up tomorrow and a message from Mom that she wanted to talk.

I wasn't sure what to really say to either of them but Mom was going to be there harder conversation because I was leaving here but it was something that I needed to do. I needed to get away from here and this was a good reason to.


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The Wise One

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