Chapter 48

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Luke's POV

My new school was just like every other school that I have attended. A lot of the team attended except obviously the players that weren't at high school anymore. There was a spilt of juniors and seniors and apparently the school was really good about handing in assignments due to hockey games.

Of the group of us that were at Mitch's the other night Ryan and Noah are both juniors. I had been at the rink in the morning when it was empty because I just wanted some time to work by myself. Richard offered to come help me and I had learnt that he was quite a good player but I just felt like working by myself.

In the two days that I had known Richard and Belinda I had begun to really like them. They were so nice and they were there to help me when I needed it. I was just a particularly independent person and I told them that so they could understand.

I had used the ice for an hour and just skated for most of the time before getting pucks to hit. I couldn't spend any more time because I had to shower and get to school. Once I got there I found a lot of the team so I joined them.

"Ready for a new school?" Mitch asked.

I shrugged, "Just like all the other ones, I guess."

He nodded and my timetable pretty much consisted off the same subjects that I had taken back in Pittsburgh. Noah and Ryan were in a lot of my classes so that it easier if I needed any help but from when I had talked to them it seemed like we had covered similar content.

I had texts from all my friends except from Brynn. I didn't know whether she just hadn't got around to replying to mine from last night but I still sent another one. I really liked Brynn and I didn't want us to drift apart because we weren't still in the same city.

I didn't have much time to think about it because the bell rang and Noah was ushering me in the direction of our first class. Once again the teacher talked to me before class and then told me to introduce myself to the class.

"I'm Luke Crosby and I'm new to town," I said simply.

"Are you related to Sidney Crosby?" someone asked.

I wanted to bang my head on the table in disgust. Instead I stayed where I was standing and turned to face the guy who was sitting in one of the middle rows.

"What's your name?" I asked him.

"Mark Lincoln," he said, slightly confused.

"Are you related to Abraham Lincoln?" I asked.

"Of course not."

"Then there is the answer to your question. Of course I'm not related to Sidney Crosby," I said and sat down.

Noah high-fived me under the table and I smirked at him. Our teacher started talking and I started to take notes but it was stuff that I had already covered. I had to introduce myself in the rest of our morning periods and luckily no one asked about my last name. I think that it had already started to spread around the school.

Ryan pushed me towards the cafeteria and I took a seat with the rest of the team.

"So I have heard that you aren't related to Sidney Crosby," Dan teased.

I rolled my eyes and listened to everyone else laugh.

"I've just gotten sick of it. It gets annoying quick," I said plainly.

The conversation moved around and I found myself quickly fitting in. The conversation was easy and after spending a couple of months with the school team I had forgotten what it was like to have good teammates.

I got talking to Mitch about their season. Being January there was about another two months before playoffs would begin and the team was confident that they could improve their playoff position.

About halfway through lunch Jackson noticed that my phone was vibrating furiously on the table. I looked at the screen and paused when I saw that it was Mom calling. I had spoken to her since I told her that was leaving and I didn't know why she was bothering to say me now.

"I should probably take this. I'll be back in a minute," I said softly.

I didn't actually answer it until I was outside where it was quieter.

"Hey," I said simply.

"Oh, you picked up," she started.

"How come you are calling?" I asked.

"I wanted to talk to you about this hockey thing. Are you going to be home afterschool?" she asked.

"No, it's going to be a bit hard."

"How come? I want to have a conversation about you going."

"I'm not going to be home because I'm already in Flint. I've already left because they wanted me here."

"What the fuck Luke Crosby?" she snapped.

"This is what I have dreamed of since I started playing hockey. Of course I was going to go," I snapped.

"I'm your Mother and I'm telling you to come back."

"You haven't exactly been acting like one. I haven't seen in weeks and you can't stop me. I'm going to stay here because you are too busy with your boyfriend and his children for me. You had forgotten about me and I'm glad to be away from you."

"Luke, how dare you say that?"

"It's the truth. Now I have better things to be doing," I said and hung up.

I dropped my phone into my pocket and then sat down with my knees pulled to my chest. I wanted to talk to someone from Pittsburgh that already knew about my Mom but Brynn, Dylan and Justin would be in class and Alex and Jamie would both be working.

I sat there for a couple of minutes before I saw something approach me. Mitch slide down the wall and sat down beside me and for a minute neither of us said anything.

"Are you alright?" he asked.

"Not really," I admitted.

"Do you want to talk about it?" he asked.

That was how I ended up telling him all about my Mom and her new family. He sat there and let me talk as we sat there and he rubbed my back. Once I finished I took a deep breath and sighed.

"The guys are worried about you. Do you want to come back?" he asked.

I nodded and we headed back together.

"You are a good captain," I told him.

He blushed slightly as we sat down and the rest of the tables smiled at me. I already knew that these guys were going to become my new family.


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