Chapter 65

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Luke's POV

Training with Mitch and Matt was so helpful. They both knew what was needed to make an NHL team so they were good to work with. The draft was getting closer and closer and it meant a lot more media attention around the top prospects, including myself.

The combine was today and from now on I'm pretty much stuck doing media shit until the draft and then there is more media shit. Mitch had sent me a bunch of very random pictures of rabbits. I don't really know why but I wasn't questioning it.

I heard about the combine from a lot of different people and Mitch had told me all about it but once it was here I wasn't as worried about it.

The physical tests were rough and they pushed me but I knew what they were and I knew what was coming up. The interviews were the parts that worried me more but I think that I did alright. I spent quite a bit of time talking to the other top prospects since we were going to be spending quite a bit of time together of the next couple of weeks.

"I'm excited to go to the game tomorrow," Jeremy said.

We were going to a Stanley Cup Final game between the Penguins and the Stars. I had already got a lot of messages about possibly meeting Crosby.

"I know, it will be so cool to see," I said.

It was in Dallas so we are flying down later tonight after this was all finished.

"How do you think that you did?" Harry asked.

"Not too bad, I hope. It was so much better once we were here," I admitted.

"I know, I was so nervous beforehand but not when I was here."

"It seemed so much easier than the training that I've been doing."

"Who have you been training with?" he asked.

"Mitch Stephens and Matt Ware of the Islanders."

"That's cool. How come you know them?"

"Mitch was on the same OHL team as me so we kept in contact and I trained with him over summer. What about you?"

"Some of the guys from my Junior Team," he said.

We didn't have a chance to talk anymore because we were ushered out of the building together. There were eight of us that were considered the top prospects so we would be spending a lot of time together.

As soon as we got on the plane I collapsed. It wasn't even the test that we had done but it was all the interviews and the questions that I had been asked. I was sick and tired of it and I just wanted to sleep.

The other players must have been thinking the same thing because the trip was pretty much silent. I had got a shit tonne of messages already from friends and I was very surprised to see one from Mom buried in my inbox.

It was just a simple well done and I didn't end up responding because what do you say to that when you haven't talked to the person in a year. Once we landed I started to respond to everyone else. Playing hockey you don't realise just how many people you know and how many people have your number.

I had messages from the team in Flint, the US Junior team, the rec team from Pittsburgh as well as Justin and Dylan and a few other people like Richard and Belinda. I started replying to people and I got to Mitch's text.

He must have a current obsession with rabbits because once again it was just a picture of a rabbit. I don't really know why but it made me smile. I pretty much fell asleep as soon as I reached my hotel room.

The next day was a bit of rush and suddenly we were inside the American Airlines Centre. We headed into the Penguins locker room. We got approached by Kris Letang. We started to introduce ourselves and I didn't miss the smile on the face the Penguins' defenceman when I introduced myself.

"Sid, it's you son," Kris called.

Sid approached us and I could see that he was rolling his eyes like I was. The rest of the guys in the room thought that it was hilarious but I'd heard it a hundred times before.

"The guys have been teasing me about having you hidden away for years. I'm Sid," he said.

"Luke," I said simply.

He then went got introduced to all the other upcoming draftees. By that point a lot of the rest of this teammates had arrived and joined us in the middle of the room.

"Crosbys, stand together," someone ordered.

I moved away from the rest of the prospects and stood beside him. The rest of the guys in the room started laughing and both of us rolled our eyes.

"They are pretty much the same person," one of the Penguins teased.

I glanced at Sid and we were pretty similar. If you didn't know you would probably guess that we were related. The conversation broke apart not long later and I ended up talking to Sid.

"I don't usually follow the draft but the guys have been teasing me about our last names. You are a really good player," he said quietly.

"Thanks," I blushed slightly.

"Hopefully I'll see you playing against us next year."

We then had a general conversation about the NHL and teams and playing hockey until they had to start to warm up and we had to go visit the Stars. They were cool to hang out with as well and they were good to talk to as well.

We headed up into the stands as the players started to warm up on the ice. It was so cool to be here and see such an important game from this close.

"Imagine, this could be us at some point. Meeting the new group of prospects," Harry commented.

"It seems so weird to think about," I said.

"I know"

It got me thinking though. Every hockey player dreams of playing in the Stanley Cup final and very few actually get to. I couldn't help but imagine being out there instead and it would be like a dream come true.

"I just want to get drafted and find out who I'll be with," I heard Jeremy say.

"Agreed," like half of us nodded.

We laughed and stopped talking as we were told to stand for the anthem. The game was about to start and I was excited.


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The Wise One

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