Chapter 53

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Luke's POV

I spent a lot of time at the rink and I always used to early before anyone else was there. So it surprised me to find someone standing just off the ice about hallway through my usual session. I didn't think much of it and continued to work.

I was only using half the rink since I had already done my skating set and the other player started to work at the other end. I focused on what I was doing. Coach had given me a list of things to continue working on over summer and a lot of the things were things that we had been working on over the season.

I had pushing myself even harder the last couple of days and that continued today. I was sweating once I was finished and I noticed that the guy was standing on the edge of the rink again. I knew that he had been working most of the time since he arrived but now he was just watching me.

Once I got closer to getting off the ice myself I realised that I knew the guy. It was Mark Walters from the school team. I didn't say anything to him as I moved past him and into the locker room. I showered and changed and found him still in the arena.

"What are you still doing here?" I asked.

"I could ask you the same thing," he snapped.

Since I had still been talking to Justin I knew how their season went. They finished off not to badly but it wasn't winning them any awards.

"I still have friends here so I'm staying here over summer," I said simply.

"So now you have time to come back?" he asked.

I just rolled my eyes and tried to move past him but he stopped me.

"You let the team down by leaving," he said.

"Like you wouldn't leave if you had the chance to play where I am. Most of the team didn't even like me and I was glad to get away from you and your shit," I snapped.

"What are you talking about?" he asked.

"You were never nice to me and you pretty much made me hate playing with the team."

"You weren't right for the team."

"I am a better player than you are and the only reason you were first line centre is because Coach liked you better. You didn't even deserve to be on the team," I told him honestly.

"How can you say that to me?"

"Because you almost made me quit hockey. You were constantly rude to me and made it so hard for me to like to be on the team. Now excuse me but I have better things to be doing so can I leave now?" I asked.

He didn't say anything else and I pushed my bag up onto my shoulder and headed out. I was going to meet Justin and Dylan for food so I headed to where we were meeting.

I was the first one so I got a table in the corner and started to read the menu. A couple of minutes later I saw Justin walk in and I waved him over. As soon as he got close I stood up so that I could hug him.

"Look at you, you superstar," he smiled as I hugged him.

We started talking but Dylan appeared moments later and he hugged me as well before we settled around the table and ordered our food.

"What have you guys been doing?" I asked.

Both of them were my year so they were going into their senior year as well. Dylan was still playing for the rec team and was loving it. Jamie had told me that he was playing well and that he could see that playing hockey had helped him.

I happily listened to both of them talk about the things that we hadn't talked about over the phone. They also made me talk about the OHL and what it was like playing. The draft was coming up in a couple of days and I promised Mitch that I would watch it.

I had seen all his photos and videos from the process and we had talked a couple of times and I could hear how nervous he was becoming. For him being a part of an NHL team was hopefully about to be real. At least I still had another year in Flint before that would happen.

It was still easy to talk to Dylan and Justin and I was suddenly reminded of my meeting with Mark this morning.

"Oh, I forgot, I ran into Mark at the rink this morning," I said.

"Really? I guess, I heard he is going to try and walk onto a college team next year," Justin said.

"Oh, he was just the same as he was before I left," I said.

"He really didn't like that you got to leave. He was so jealous," Justin added.

I laughed because I could clearly see that when I saw him today.

"He wasn't really pleased to see me. I don't think he ever wanted to see me again," I said.

We stopped talking about Mark and started talking about other things. They asked me about my training over summer and we agreed to meet up at the rink sometime when we had the time. I was lucky that Lilly had given me a causal job back at the restaurant while I here in a way to earn a bit of money over summer.

We all had places to be but I would be seeing Dylan later because I was going to watch their rec game. I was working soon so I left with the promise that we would all catch up later. I was pleased to see Max and Jessie at the restaurant and they both hugged me when I came in.

"It's good to see you," Max said as I tied my apron around me.

"It's good to see you guys as well," I smiled.

We started to catch up as we worked. It wasn't hugely busy so we had a lot of time to talk. I got to learnt what they had been doing since I had left. Both of them were still at college and working hard but appreciating the summer break.

Lilly was there as well and she smiled when she saw me.

"Luke, it's good to see you again," she said while hugging me.

"Thanks for the job," I said.

"You were a good hire and it means that we don't have to train someone," she said.

I nodded and we talked a little bit longer as we worked. I felt at ease as I worked and as soon as I finished I headed back to the rink. I headed into the locker room and everyone cheered when they saw me.

"Crosby, it's amazing to see you," Connor cheered.

I hugged all of them before sending them off onto the ice with the promise that I would still be here after the game. I headed into the stands and took a seat. I was happy to see them all play again and honestly wished that I could be out there with them.

They won so I headed back into a joyous locker room. I congratulated all of them and it was just like old times as I listened to them plan where we were going for food.


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The Wise One

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