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........"They're the Cullens"


I think if we weren't in class right now I'm sure there would have been a few choice words said to the cullens maybe even a few violent actions.

Stefan looked at me concerned at hearing what Bonnie said with his advance hearing.

Bonnie was staring very hard a the white board trying to focus on anything other then her anger I assume either that or she's constipated.

Elena didn't bother to hide her anger she sat back in her chair crossing her arms and glaring at the Cullen's almost as if challenging them.

Matt who has yet to be filled in on anything was confused .

"The one with the brown hair is my ex and our breakup wasn't the best "  I say expaining to Matt not breaking eye contact with Edward .

The Cullens weren't worried about the looks they were getting from any one of my friends and my sister though you'd never know that just by looking at us .

They just kept their eyes focused on me making me slightly uncomfortable so I redirected my eye contact to my notebook .

"You must be the new students can you tell us your name" our teacher Mr.Saltzmen said with a soft smile although his eyes said a different story.

now I know you may be wondering "why is he doing that?" well take a wild guess ding ding ding you are correct it is because he knows and how did he find out Damon told him since they are drinking buddies

"Yes I'm Alice Cullen that's Rosalie Hale that's Emmet Cullen that's Edward Cullen and that is Jasper Hale" Alice said not letting any of them say anything she's just as hyper as she's always been

I've never been so happy in my life to hear the bell ring

The gang  packs their stuff then all rush to my side shielding me from the cullens' view as if them staring at me will hurt me.

I pack up my stuff and we all walk out the classroom not really saying anything to eachother.

"Bella?" I hear a voice who I assume is Alice call me. I turn around and so does everyone else Stefan stepping slightly in front of me ready if they decide to try anything. I highly doubt they'd do anything to me or at least not in school.

"Yes , Alice" I said a hint of annoyance present in my voice.

"What are you doing here , Why are you here?" she asked looking at me in bewilderment.

"What are you doing here aren't you supposed to be away from me but yet here you are talking to me" I say all the anger from them leaving crashing into me  even though it's not their fault it's not like they knew I was here .

"Bella calm down she just asked a simple question" said Jasper trying to manipulate my emotions.

"No she doesn't get to ask questions and expect answers not after what you all did " Elena says glaring at them harshly

They all look at my sister in confusion we all basically are on defense mode. "Who are you?" Rosalie asks rudely glaring at my older sibling.

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