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My family was wondering if you and your friends would like to come over for dinner tonight


I'm shocked and a little apprehensive to accept the invitation to their home because after everything why would I go to their home ? It makes me wonder if they want something

Despite being curious as to what they're planning I accept the invitation anyway

"Rosalie don't you hate me ?" I ask and its a valid question too because I'm pretty sure she did .

She sighs while putting her finger on the bridge of her nose

"Not necessarily , I just wanted my family to be safe and for you to know the risks of being with him and being involved with us but you seemed pretty adament on staying with us so I was finally warming up to you " she explains and now I finally understand , she just wanted to protect her family which is understandable .

"So why exactly are my friends and I being invited to your home ?" I ask my curiosity taking over 

Rosalie looks to Emmett who just looks unsure then jasper who I forgot was even with us answers

" we told our parents that you're here in forks and so they thought it was a sign that we should've stayed with you and now they want to make amends "  as he speaks its as if his accent is stronger than normal

I can't tell if he's telling the truth or not considering i've never really spent time with him or got to know him well enough to know when he's lying

I simply say okay and decide to be satisfied with his answer we continue on to our classes which passing by rather quickly if you ask me because before I knew it , it is now lunchtime.

"So the one who hated you is now being nice to you?" Caroline asks with a look of pure confusion

  I nod

"....And they want all of us to go to their house for dinner" Elena said slowly as if trying to process thus new information

I nod again

"So are we going ?" Matt asks uncertainty in his eyes

"yes" I answer using words for the first time since they started asking me questions .

"May we sit here ?" Jasper asks politely smiling at bonnie then the rest of the table with Emmett and rosalie behind him .

Bonnie is trying hard to hide her smile although you wouldn't know that unless you looked at her.

Bonnie looks at me and I just shrug my shoulders not really caring. "Yes you can " she answers while elena and caroline look at them suspiciously

The girls get up and come sit by me matt and tyler

Which left the hales and cullens alone on the otherside of the table

None of us were talking which was making the atomsphere awkward

Then the other two appeared "Do you mind if we sit with you guys" Edward asks looking rather desperate

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