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"Oh my god ! Bella wake up ! Please please wake up " I hear a panicky voice say while shaking me

I slowly open my eyes to see Stefano as well as Damon hovering above me

I have a slight pounding headache making me groan when they help me up

I then see Caroline and bonnie have woken up and now are looking at me concerned

"Are you all right ?" Caroline asks genuinely concerned for me

"Of course she isn't all right she just got her neck snapped" Damon says looking at caroline like shes stupid

"Speaking of that why the hell am I still alive ?? " don't get me wrong I'm glad I'm not dead but shouldn't I be ?

"Katherine turned you and now you're in transition " Stefan says looking at me cautiously as if I'm going to attack at any minute

Which I'm not

"I'm so hungry" I groan while going to there fridge

"no you want blood" Damon says then I look at him confused because my stomach is clearly telling me to feed it food

"You have to complete transition which means you have to drink human blood until you do you'll feel like you're hungry"  Stefano sways elaborating more on what Damon was saying

"If you don't drink blood then you'll die for real this time " Damon concludes Stefans sentence making Stefan look at Damon who shrugs his shoulders

" Look bella i know this is a lot to process but you need to feed now " Stefan says with an understanding look

I know I should be grossed out at the thought of having to drink human blood but with the way I'm feeling right now I don't really care .

"Okay" I say looking to Stefan only to see that he had disappeared

"I need a ring" Bonnie speaks looking around concerned

I look down at my hands to see if I have one and luckily I do

Its nothing special just a single silver band with a diamond in the middle

Then she starts chanting in a different language for about 1 minute then hands me back my ring and i put it on my ring finger "well we won't know if it works until tomorrow " She says sighing deeply

Stefano reappears with what seems to be a blood bag and hands it to me

I'm a bit apprehensive at first but my hunger grows more and more unbearable the more I look at it

" thank you guys " I say looking at bonnie then Stefano because of what they're doing for me now

I can't tell you how I feel yet I think I'm still in shock

" I can start teaching you to control your thirst tomorrow since we aren't going to school" stefan says and I just look a bit reluctant

Don't get me wrong stefan is great and all but he only drinks animal blood making him weaker than most vampires and no offense but I don't want to be weak

"Well today has been very eventful I'm sleepy so ...goodnight everyone  " I wave and walk upstairs

I already put on my pajamas so i laid down in damons bed and then I soon felt him join he put his arm around my waist and pulled me close to him

"I'm sorry" he whispered "why?" I ask "I know being a vampire probably wasn't on your bucket list" he says and I laugh

*ring ring*

I look at my phone to see its Jenna

B- hello
J-Bella when will you be home?
B- Um...probably tomorrow. In the afternoon why?
J- no reason just haven't seen you but when you get home i have a suprise for you
B- ok well i'll see you tomorrow
J-night love you
B-love you too bye
Then we hung up "night" Damon says "night daybear" I say falling asleep while he chuckles
Alice P.O.V-
"GUYS!!" I yell then they all come rushing to where im at "what do you want alice" Rosalie said "Not your attitude" I quickly respond back with just as much animosity

Rosalie just rolls her eyes having nothing else to say to me .

"Girls enough , what's wrong alice?" Carlisle questions with a look of concern on his face .

"We have a major problem" I say mot really sure how to tell them knowing their reaction won't ne good

"well spit it out" Rosalie says i just glare at her and she glares back

......"I can't see Bella's future anymore"

Dun dun dun even though you saw it coming you guys vote please and share well anyways i know this chapter is really short but i don't feel good so I just did as much as i could

Bye pineapples 🍍

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