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As soon as we walked we were greeted by the smell of vanilla and the house was pretty warm as well

I'm pretty sure that I'm not the only one who feel weird about this dinner

Its almost as if this family has a secret agenda

"Hello I'm Carlisle and this is my wife Esme" Carlisle introduced him and his wife my friends just looked at him not really caring for the introductions .

"Well lets go to the dinning room shall we" Esme said trying to cut through the thick ice in the room with her warm smile she started walking and we follow her through the long hall.

Their house here in mystic falls doesn't look completely different from the one in Forks but this one didn't have a lot of windows it also wasn't very far from anything which makes me wonder why they're this close in the town

Maybe their more comfortable being around their own kind

once we made it to the dinning room there was a bunch of food on plates and flowers in the middle with two candles by it but not close enough to start a fire

Once we all sit down it was quiet and awkward all you could hear was the sound of our forks hitting our plates well except for the cullens 'cause you know they can't eat

"So what's the reason we're here ? what's the catch to this little dinner?" Damon asks voicing all of our thoughts waving his fork around. Raising his eyebrows at carlisle .

"There is no catch we just want to be back in Bella's life" Esme said looking at me with sincerity in her eyes.

I squint my eyes not completely believing her answer.

"Wait let me get this straight you invited us here so you can win Bella back ? If you guys didn't run into her at the school would you even have contacted her ? Because if my sources are correct you left to "protect" her correct me if I'm wrong "  Damon says placing his hands together on the table and leaning forward slightly .

Alice rolled her eyes, rose put her head down while Emmett held her hand , jasper just looked at Damon as if he's trying to figure him out , Edward looked at me apologetic, Carlisle's face wasn't giving anything away , while Esme of course looks sad.

"Well am I ?" Damon asks tilting his head to the side

" I don't see how this concerns you Salvatore" Edward says crossing his arms glaring at Damon

"Well I mean If I didn't know Bella it wouldn't concern me but since I know , like , and trust Bella I will always protect her by staying by her side, can you say you'd do the same? "  Damon says now returning Edwards glare but much harsher. Almost as if he's challenging him

"Can you guys chill ? please "  I ask annoyed and slightly worried that if this keeps going on one of them - most likely Damon - will kill the other .

"Yes , please everyone calm down" Carlisle says while staring at Edward as if they're having a secret conversation. 

"I'd hate to say it but I agree with Damon , why exactly are we here there is no way you don't have a secret agenda , I just can't believe all you want to do is gain Bella's trust back because if that was the case why are we all invited?" Stefan questions creasing his eyebrows.

" Edward isn't like that ! "  Alice yells out suddenly scaring the girls and I, Stefan raises his eyebrows surprised  

" Care to elaborate elf "  Damon says rolling his eyes and if looks could kill Damon would be dead . 

" My name is Alice crow !" she fires back leaving us all in shock not because it was a good comeback but because it was probably one of the worst.

"That wasn't my question I couldn't care less about your name if I did would've asked " Damon says looking at her with a bored expression

"I don't have to answer you , you aren't the boss of me " she says crossing her arms and leaning back into her chair

"Okay well to be honest" carlisle starts looking a bit apprehensive

"We heard about what happened at school when you guys ran into each other and we just don't want there to be any bad blood between us we would like to live peacefully." He finishes looking cautious now that he has said the real reason for inviting us

Rosalie puts her head down shaking if and the whole table is quiet

"Oh right you guys are all " live love peace " type " Damon says rolling his eyes

"So you guys really don't care about being with bella again , you just don't want us to have any conflicts"  Stefan says like he's figured out a puzzle .

No one is saying anything about being vampires 'cause Matt and Tyler are so obviously humans who don't know.

"Of course we do !! would just be nice to not have to look over our shoulders " Esme says kinda quietly

"See there is and will be no bad blood just stay to yourselves and don't hurt bella anymore than you have and we'll be just fine " elena says glaring

"Why do you guys keep making decisions for her like she doesn't have a mouth if bella doesn't want us around she can tell us herself " Edward says slightly frustrated

"I have told you this ...multiple times I believe. We can all be civil if that is what you want we can have the casual hi and byes but other than that leave me the hell alone " I glare at Edward

"This is not how I expected it to go" Esme said looking around at us horrified that this is going terribly

  " Well its been nice but we have to go" I say ignoring the kicked puppy look on esme's face

"Can I talk to you" Alice says and  damon was about to interject but i said it was okay and followed alice far enough to where no one would here us "look bella i'm really sorry about everything I truly hope we can be friends again " alice says with fake guilt

"Me too alice I really would like that.....Is that what you wanted me to say? Well i'm not we are not friends I don't like you or your brother so don't bother talking to me and you need to work on making it look like you actually care you're not a good liar" I say while alice looks shocked and hurt

"Oh please alice you can see the future you had to have known how this was gonna play out" I say while walking away to damon's car and getting in as our friends followed us to the boarding house

~~~~~~~~~20 min later~~~~~~~~~

We made it to the boarding house I go upstairs and change into my night clothes which are very simple

Shorts and an oversized shirt

As i come back down
I see everyone on the couch looking exhausted I sit down on the couch putting my head on damons lap and my feet on matts it was very quiet and tense and care sensing the tesion said

......."lets get drunk"

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