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Simon chose to not even waste time speaking to his mum, so instead of facing her, he ran off, far away from her, he didn't bother looking back, he knew for sure his mother wouldn't chase after him, but she didn't yell out once, she didn't care for him that much, because she made no effort to bring him back.

Now Simon was at a cross road, where did he go now? He wasn't ready to go home just then, that quickly, he didn't want to face JJ and potentially ending up hurt or worse, JJ ending up hurt, the two haven't been blessed with good management with feelings, so if one of them gets very angry, a fight will occur.

It's happened before, many of times, and fights always take a few days to settle down.

Simon also couldn't just go back to Harry's, sure he wanted to be close to him right now and cuddle him, but Harry was likely still asleep, and his sister was home, which would result in awkwardness when going to the door, seeing her and asking were her brother is. Simon is one of the most popular guys in the school, even if he just moved here.

So Simon was now in the middle of the road, debating where to go, he scans around him, looking over at the supermarket in front of his eyes, he walks over to the store, the sliding doors opening for him as he walks to get a basket and scrolls through the countless isles there are.

Simon picks up whatever takes his fancy, the skinny boy looked so weird just there grabbing countless amounts of foods of the shelves, chips, chocolate, sweets, pepsi, cheese, ice cream, he had so much in his basket that it was getting heavy for him to carry, he looks down at all the food, that basket had so many calories in it.

Simon walks to the counter, placing everything down at the cashier looks at Simon weirdly, scanning the items and placing them into plastic bags, Simon looks up and was unimpressed by the lady's look she had gave him.

"What?" Simon asked as he placed the basket down on the floor on the rack that collected them. She shrugs continuing to do her job, she mumbles something under her breath he can't decipher, continuing on with her job. That mediocre response still doesn't satisfy Simon. "No I don't care, you can tell me." Simon says. "Sir, I don't want to upset you, how's your day been so far?" She asks, so sweetly it was almost as if she had forgotten everything she had just thought.

"My days been good, now tell me what you said," Simon voice was louder and angrier, she looks at him socked, she didn't realise that he was going to snap at her, she stops what she's doing, a little nervous, and grabs onto her red curly hair. "It's just odd that someone as skinny as you has this much food, what are you planning to do with it all?" She asks.

Simon narrows his eyes. "I'm planning to eat it, dumbass." Her mouth dangles wide as she scans the last few things and places them into bags. "Don't call me a dumbass alright, now your total is 108.45." She replies. Simon grabs out his wallet, taking out the money and placing it on the table.

"I would of refrained from calling you a dumbass if you hadn't of said that alright. Your a cashier, so you don't need to get all deep into my business." Simon growls. "Your the one who made me say it." She says. "You said it first under your breathe alright, your job to sell groceries, not judge everyone who comes into this store."

Simon grabs his bags up into his hands. "Make fun of my job all you want ok, but I know for sure that you will have trouble even finding a job, and when your living in a shitty house and spending your days doing nothing, I'll be laughing." She smirks, crossing her arms.

"I already live in a shitty house ok? So why don't you start cackling you bitch, you can keep the change." Simon walks out of the store.

He walks down the streets to his street he lives on, it had been some time now, almost two hours, so hopefully by now JJ had calmed down a little, it wasn't for sure if he had, but at least things wouldn't be as tense as they were two hours ago.

Simon walks up into the house, kicking of his shoes at the front door before heading upstairs, he doesn't face Josh or JJ when walking to his room, which was a good thing for him, Simon sets his bags down on the bed as he shuts his door and locks it. He takes everything out of the bags and places everything out in front of him.

He tears open the bag of chips and he unscrews the lid onto the Pepsi, not bothering to even pour it into a class, Simon takes a large swig of the Pepsi from the bottle, stuffing his face with the chips as he then opens the bar of chocolate, letting the gooey chocolate run in his mouth. Simon takes the tub of ice cream, grabbing the spoon from his table and digging the spoon into the chocolate ice cream.

Simon eats nearly everything that he had, and now in front of him are empty packets and packaging are sprawled across his room, his face is a disaster, food crumbs all around his lips, Simon feels terrible now, feeling fat, his skin was crawling.

Simon was a skinny boy, he was always named lanky and that was true, Simon was very skinny, his arms had no fat on them. Simon liked his body that way, that's the way he felt good. Simon didn't eat much throughout the week, normally his meals were drinks, like the milkshake he had when he was with Harry, that had been the first thing he had that day, he had skipped lunch, and watched as everyone on his table ate their food, Simon skipped his dinner that day as well.

Simon stumbles to the bathroom, closing the door behind as he sits down on the floor with his head in the bowl. He lets it all go, throwing up all the food he just ate, he hated the taste of it all coming up, but it happened, soon after the puke stopped, and he flushed it all away.

From the outside you would never notice it, a strong, popular, cool boy who everyone loved at school. He was so messed up, had no real family who cared for him, had secrets and problems people didn't know about.

Simon wasn't everything people thought he was.

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