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It was a few hours later and Simon was now on his way home, he enjoyed the time he had spent with Harry. And luckily his siblings hadn't walked into Harry's room while the two were cuddling, and just cuddling. Simon didn't want to do anything sexual with Harry yet, Harry didn't seem ready, even Simon was unsure, he had never done it with a guy, he didn't even know if he was completely sure what to do, in fact, when Simon was younger he has a really weird concept of it, he never told anyone, but let's just say it involved a bit of tearing, the thought makes Simon cringe.

So they just cuddled and soon time had passed even though it didn't feel like it, he had to go home but he didn't want to, he would face the whole talk from JJ and Josh about how he just left at lunch and didn't come back, he didn't know what to say to them really, he had no good excuse and he wasn't ready to tell the boys about his new relationship with Harry, Harry was still the nerdy boy, he wasn't someone who would really go well with JJ and Josh, since they have such different lifestyles and humour.

He walked down the streets to their home and Simon's tummy started to grumble. He ignored the feeling, his stomach normally did that, he never knew wether it was telling him to eat some more food or his tummy was telling hi to throw it up. One option was good and the other was bad, Simon always chose the bad option.

He walked down into the street, he always hated walking down this street as it never felt comforting,he tried to walk as swiftly as possible and avoid any possible interactions with people who might come out from their shitting homes and try to talk to him, when he reached the front yard he went to the door and opened it up, the floorboards creaked as he closed the door and kicked of his shoes, he looked around and saw Josh's mum in the living room.

"Hello Simon." She says. "Hey," Simon replies as he goes and sits on the couch next to her. "I know this isn't really my business but the boys said that you went missing at lunch and didn't come back, are you alright." She says. "I'm fine, just wanted a little break that's all." He replies. "Good, I just wanted to make sure you were ok, I understand you want a break, those two can be quite loud sometimes, you never get piece and quiet." "They were bugging me at lunchtime a bit." "They were? Should I speak to them about this?"

"No, no, no." Simon reassures. "I'll talk to them, please, it's nothing major to worry about so there's no point talking to them, we'll sort it out, we always do." He says, he stands up from the chair and goes to walk up the stairs. "Oh by the way I won't be here tonight and tomorrow morning so your going to have to make your own food, I have some pasta and cereal in the cupboards along with some other snacks and drinks." She smiles. "Where are you going." Simon asks intrigued. "I met a guy, don't tell Josh though, I know he's still very sensitive with that topic so I don't want to bring it up just yet." She says. Simon nods. "Alright, have fun tonight by the way." Simon turns back around and walks up the stairs to his bedroom.

He opens his door and outs his bag on the floor. He goes over to his bed and jumps onto it. He hears a knock from outside as the door creaks open and reveals JJ standing in the doorframe. JJ had a frown on his face as he as he walked into Simons room and came and sat on the bed, he looked over at his,friends and just shrugged. "You left school." He says. "Yep." Simon replies. "Why did you leave school, I thought you just wanted some time to cool off by yourself so, but you weren't there for the last 2 lessons."

"So why?" JJ asks. "You and Josh were pissing me off, I know you care for me but Jesus Christ I wanted you to just drop it and you kept on mentioning it again and again alright, that made me mad and I just decided to leave school so I didn't have to see you two again, because fuck sometimes you two are annoying." He grits his teeth. "I'm sorry then, I should have dropped it, I was stupid for continuing to bring it up and again, your perfectly healthy, I shouldn't bug you about those types of things."

"Thanks JJ." He smiles, his voice soft as the look to the door were Josh is now standing. "Sorry to ruin the cute moment between you two but do you wanna come down stairs and have a game of FIFA with me, I set up the controllers." Josh says. "Sure, I'll be downstairs in a minute, and by the way Josh you didn't ruin a cute moment, I'm not fucking gay alright." JJ laughs, Josh chuckles as he leaves the room.

"So where did you go once you left?" JJ asks standing back up, Simon twiddled his thumbs as he looks up at JJ. "Just walked around town for a while, nothing really exiting, why?" "You just were a long time, I mean you have been gone for a few hours, you coming?" Simon nods as he stands up and walks down the stairs to were Josh is almost buzzing with excitement. "Who wants to play with me first." Josh asks. JJ laughs. "That sounded so gay man." JJ laughs. "I'll play." Simon says. "Course you want to play with Josh Simon," JJ giggles. "Shut up JJ, those jokes are so fucking lame." Simon grumbles.

Simon plonks down on the couch and picks up a controller. "Jesus Simon I was just saying a joke." "Well your joke wasn't funny."

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