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"Harley, you stupid little bitch can't you do anything right anymore. I swear you should have never been born. You worthless little cockroach" my 'mom' screamed at me after I accidently dropped a plate. "I'm sorry mommy. I didn't mean to I'll do better next time" I tried to plea with her. She of course ignored it. She then slapped me in my face and started punching me. I guess the neighbors heard cause they call the police. When the police showed up they arrested my parents and sent a medic in to see me. "Hi Sweetie,my name is Kolby I'm your next door neighbor." A man said to me. "Stay away from me" I kept screaming. "Kolby what are you doing to the sweet baby" a blonde haired lady said as she walked in. "Hey honey. My name is Becky what's yours". She says walking up to me. Alyssa I thought but was to scared to do anything but look at her "Come on Darlin,let's get you looked at" she says picking me up. I just relax into her and try to fall asleep.

20 mins later

Brantley's p.o.v

"Brantley don't flip out. I had the emts check her out and she has been sexually abused. We can't just let her go back with these people." My mom said to me walk up with a beautiful little blonde haired girl sleeping on her shoulder. I could feel myself getting heated up but looking at the girl cooled me off quick. Just about that time she picked her head up off mom's shoulder and looked at me sleepily and I instantly wanted to grab her and keep her safe but I didn't want to scare her anymore than she already is. She reached her little arms out to me to get her. I did as she wanted me too I grabbed her right under her arms and pulled her too me . She wrapped her little arms around my neck and laid her little head on my shoulder. "I want to adopt her angel" I told my mom.
"Brantley Keith Gilbert,you are on your own how are you gonna take care of the little girl while you are on tour" Angel said to me. "I'll take her with me but I can't just leave her here. I already feel a connection to the sweet baby" I told mom. I don't know how this is gonna work I have so much going on. I handed the little girl back to mom and walked away. It hurt my heart bad when she started screaming and crying for me. I had to walk away and get my head on straight before I could even think to try to help her.

2 hours later

Ring ring ring phone picks up "Yes angel?" I said to my mom as soon as I pick up. "Hi bantley!" I heard a little voice on the phone crying. "Will you come get me?" I looked at pj and nodded my head to the door. "I'm on my way sweetie just hide in your room and lock the door" I get to Angel's house and hear her screaming and crying at somebody to leave her alone. I bust in the door to see Kolby trying to get her out from under the table. "Dude leave the poor girl alone she has been through enough" I said as she crawled out to me and I picked her up. She slowly started calming down as I just glare at my brother. "I seepy" I heard from shoulder followed by a yawn. I tuck her into bed for the night and go home to my cold empty house to sleep

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 30, 2019 ⏰

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