Chapter 16 - Choices

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Y/N - Your name

Your P.O.V
You - We all just stared at each other. Until she broke the silence.
Aphmau - "It's been a while, you guys have changed a lot. Hmm."
You - She looked at Aaron with some evil eyes, like she was angry at him.
Aphmau - "Aaron."
Aaron - "Uh, h-hey Aaaphmau... How you doin?"
Aphmau - "Not so great after seeing you."
Aaron - "Ow, that hurts."
Aphmau - "Were you guys heading out?"
You - "?.."
Aaron - "Yeah, we were just about to go to-"
Aphmau - "No one asked you!"
Gene - "Actually we were here to greet you."
Aphmau - "Aw Gene."
You - I saw Aaron doing a face-palm. Dante and Garroth were standing there confused.
Gene - "Please come in."
Aphmau - "Thank youuu~."
You - We started walking into the house towards the back. When suddenly Aaron grabbed me and took me to my room. We both went in and he locked the door behind us. "W-What?"
Aaron - "Okay, listen. I'm not going to do anything. I'll be clear on this, but my feelings for you are real. I won't do anything you hate. So just relax and listen to me."
You - "O-Okay."
Aaron - "You might have seen from that little change in character back there in Aphmau. She was all mean and hostile towards me but when it came to Gene she becomes all cutesy."
You - "Yeah, I noticed that."
Aaron - "Yeah, and that's the reason why we can't have you near her while Gene is around. It's probably best if you don't come in contact with her at all."
You - "Why?"
Aaron - "She will do anything, and I mean anything to people who will get in her way. She is the queen after all."
You - ""Ookay."
Aaron - "Here's what's gonna happen, we'll try to sneak out again and leave. Let's try to avoid her as much as possible."
You - I really didn't know what avoiding her will benefit us if she really is 'mean'. Aside from the confusion, Aaron and I started sneaking out through the front door when...
Aphmau - "Caught you guys again."
Aaron - "H-Hey.."
Aphmau - "Is she your new one?"
Aaron - "N-No. Anyway, we really have to go."
You - Without her saying anything more we ran out. There's was a limo I didn't recognize at the front.
Aaron - "It's mine, let's go before Aphmau tells anyone anything."
You - We got into the limo and drove off. I was still confused. What's been happening here in Minecraft city while I was away?

Gene's P.O.V
Gene - Aphmau walks into the lounge alone, I start looking around to see if Y/N was coming. "Where is she?"
Aphmau - "Who?"
Gene - "Don't play dumb with me, I'm talking about Y/N."
Aphmau - "Oh her.. Aaron took her away."
The boys - "What?!"
Dante - "We have to go after her. Who knows what that heart breaker will do."
Dante - "You're one to speak."
Garroth - "Talking isn't getting anywhere."
Gene - "Let's go!" Dante and Garroth run while Aphmau stopped me, grabbing onto my arm. "What."
Aphmau - "Where are you going? We have things to talk about."
Gene - "I don't remember making any plans. Now let go, I need to go."
Aphmau - "Oh but we do. On the phone, as soon as I arrived in Minecraft city, your mother and I had a little chat, along with your father."
Gene - "About what?"
Aphmau - "You'll be surprised, I'll keep it a secret."
Gene - "Just tel me! What the hell did you talk about with my parents?"
Aphmau - "Oh honey."
Gene - "Honey?"
Aphmau - "What we talked about was our engagement party."
Gene - "What?! I'm not marrying you!"
Aphmau - "Sorry but things have been sorted out. Talk with your parents first."
Gene - "I will, so let me go."
Aphmau - "One more thing. If you do end this engagement, I will make Y/N's life miserable."
Gene - "How?!"
Aphmau - "Don't forget, I'm just as rich as you. I can do a lot of things, and I'm sure you understand right? Since we have the same position in society."
Gene - "I can't get into a loveless marriage, on top of that, with someone like you."
Aphmau - "How rude, well we are similar. You're as bad as I am, or probably worst. When did the high and mighty Gene ever care about people."
Gene - "Shut up, things change. How do you know so much about me."
Aphmau - "Aaron has been keeping me up to date."
Gene - "I thought you guys hated each other."
Aphmau - "Ha, trust me we do! Inside he is a really nice guy, so making him feel guilty will get him at my feet."
Gene - "Wait.. So Aaron right now.."
Aphmau - "Yeah, I told him to do something with her."
Gene - "What are you gonna do with her?!"
Aphmau - "Just agree with this engagement and it's all settled."
Gene - "Aaron probably had a really hard time with you."
Aphmau - "Haha. So what's it gonna be."
Gene - "..."

End of Book 1

Continued in Book 2 <3

Hope you enjoyed!


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