Brendon's Story

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I ran in the bathroom, and Brendon shut the door right behind me, nipping at my tendon.

I was scared to get undressed, because Brendon told me that he was gonna wait right by the door. I got over myself and undressed, stepping into the shower and turning the water on, adjusting it so it wouldn't burn me or freeze me to death.

I shampooed, using the shampoo that Brendon had, sadly, it was male shampoo. I couldn't even tell the difference, I liked guy stuff more. Old Spice beats Lady Speed Stick any day. I would always use Tyler's deodorant, and then when he found out, all he did was buy me a stick of Old Spice, which made me laugh.

I didn't use conditioner because it always made my hair look greasy. I finished my shower in what seemed to be five minutes, and got out to get dressed in the bathroom.

It took me approximately ten minutes, but my dress had a zipper on the back that I couldn't reach. It only revealed the top of my back, but I still didn't wanna show Brendon and ask him to tie it up.

Brendon was banging on the door, alerting that there was only five more minutes until he would barge in.

I walked out almost immediately, turning around.

"What's going on?" He asked, kind of chuckling.

"My zipper, I can't reach it. I was wondering if you could do it." I whispered, too scared of him and what he did to actually speak to him.

"Of course, doll!" I felt his cold hands move my hair, which sent a shiver down my spine. I also heard and felt the zipper go up my back.

"Better?" He asked, turning me around so I can face him. I gulped and nodded.

"C'mon, I don't want you hair water getting all over the floor, let me go blow-dry it." He offered, not really though, because he was already bringing me to a room that I have never seen, not even when I did live here.

"What is this room?" I asked. Brendon opened the door to show a whole bunch of hair equipment.

I was stunned. Brendon sat me down in a chair, no arms, no straps, so I'm pretty sure everything was good.

He took out a blow-dryer and turned it on, taking a hairbrush and multi-tasking.

When he finished, my hair was so nice and soft.

"Voila!" He turned the dryer off and put it away. I was amazed at how well done this was.

"C'mon, let's go to the bedroom." He said, sticking his hand out. I placed my non quivering hand in his and we walked to the bedroom.

We both sat there in silence for a while, until I thought that asking Brendon a question that would possibly make him mad was a good idea.


"Yeah?" He turned to look at me, for once he didn't seem mad, boy oh boy was that gonna change.

"Um, what happened after you got electrocuted and we left you? If you don't mind telling me the story." I asked slowly. He went and sat to face me, sitting criss-cross. I couldn't do that because I was wearing a dress.

"Well, I don't remember what happened during it, because you and that idiot didn't stop it. But when I woke up, I walked home, because let's face it, it's not that far. And then I cared for myself there and planned my revenge."

"How did you know where Tyler and I lived?" I asked, my knees up to my chest.

"That moron accidentally put his address in the one of his Instagram photos." He rolled his eyes.

"What happened after you did it to me?" I played with my hands and looked down. "And be honest."

"Oh, well I checked your pulse, thinking that you were dead. But when I checked it, I felt a heartbeat and rushed you to the hospital. I told the doctor to tell you that you woke up from a concussion, and that we were married."

"So, in other words, you lied?" I said. He looked at me and nodded his head.

"Sh-shoot, it's already eleven'o'clock, I still have the pair of sesame street pyjamas, they're in the bathroom." He said, pointing to the bathroom. I nodded and got up, going to change in the bathroom.

I looked on the counter top of the sink and saw the same pair of pyjamas that I wore for five nights. This felt like a prison, and I wanted to escape, But I knew that if Brendon caught me, he would probably electrocute me until I died.

I got out of the bathroom and Brendon led me to the bed. Does he not trust me enough to take two steps to his bed?

"Alright doll, try and have a goodnight sleep!" He kissed my cheek, turning around after. I cringed and went on the bed

Brendon had Panic! playing in the background, and god, I wish he turned it off!

If it wasn't for Panic! At The Disco, I wouldn't have met Brendon, Tyler wouldn't be dead. I wouldn't have gotten electrocute, and neither would have Brendon. Everything would just be perfect, but no, my idiotic twenty-five year old self back then had to come to UrieCity.

I ended up crying myself to sleep that night, thinking about the loss of my beloved boyfriend, and the fact that I was kidnapped by my apparent "Ex- boyfriend".

This was going to be a long, whatever time he was holding me hostage.

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