Meet The Parents

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Six Months Later

Brendon and I's wedding is in a week. Everything is planned as well. I have my dress, and he has the whole town coming to it.

"Doll, come on, we need to get ready to go to brunch with my parents. It's the first time you'll ever meet them!" He was so happy and bouncy. My hatred for him died down a bit, but I didn't hate him, nor love him. And if anything, I was more on the love side. He was an attractive human, don't get me wrong. He was just ugly on the inside. Only sometimes. But I feel bad as well. I can't break his heart the day after our wedding, I know that it would be the worst thing to ever happen to me.

"Alright, alright, I'm hurrying." I said, putting on my frizzy tank top and a nice grey cardigan, in the bathroom. I also put on a pair on dark skinny jeans.

I walked out and looked fabulous.

"How do I look?" I asked, causing Brendon to turn around and have his mouth fall to the floor.

"Y-You look stunning. My parents are gonna love it." He said, buttoning up his cute vest which fit his body perfectly. It was giving me some Vices & Virtues vibes. He looked really cute, and I hadn't realised that I was staring until Brendon smirked and said,

"You like what you see?" He asked, causing me to gasp and stop staring.

"I-I do." It wasn't a lie, he looked absolutely perfect. He looked exactly like what he did in Vices era, except his hair is combed up, and god was the Vices era a good era.

"Alright, c'mon, they're probably there." He said, extending his hand out for me. I kindly took it and smiled to him, causing him to smile.

We walked outside and got to his car.

"What are your parents like? Is there something I need to do to make them happy?" I asked Brendon.

"If you just be you, they'll love you. Everyone loves you!" He said, smiling, causing me to blush. He was sweet when it came to me. He did love me, to death, I've been told countless times by him.

"You know, if my parents were here, they'd love you too." He knit his eyebrows and looked over at me.

"What do you mean 'If they were here'?" He asked, doing his best to not sound rude.

"When I was with Tyler, they died in a car accident." I said slowly, trying my best not to cry, which I didn't do.

"Oh honey, I'm so sorry!"We pulled into the parking lot of the café. We both got out and Brendon came up to me and hugged me, stroking my hair.

"I'm so sorry doll. I love you, with all my heart." He broke the hug and leaned in for a kiss, which is what he got. We both smiled after the kiss and walked inside.

Brendon's parents weren't there, that's what Brendon told me because I didn't know what his parents looked like.

We sat down at a table, this time sitting in the same booth and not across from each other. He put his arm around me so it stopped at my shoulder and scooted me closer.

"I love you!" I looked up and met eyes with Brendon. Those nut brown were so adorable, I could stare at them forever.

"Your eyes are so..." I trailed off, trying to find the perfect word.

"So what?" He slightly chuckled, causing me to smile but keep my eyes locked with his. It wasn't a bad locking of eyes, if anything it was me who started it.

"...Hypnotising." I said, causing a smirk to grow onto his face. We stayed like for a while, until Brendon broke the eye contact because his parents had shown up.

"Mom! Dad!" He smiled. He was cute when he was a smiley boy. We both got out of the booth and Brendon went to give his parents a tight hug. I was just standing there while Brendon and his parents had a quick conversation.

"Mom, Dad, this is Faelecia! As you know, we're getting married." He smiled, introducing me. His mom was about my height. She had short brown hair, and was beautiful. She walked up to me and hugged me.

"Hi! I'm Grace, but you can call me mom." She said after she broke the hug. Next up was Brendon's dad. He didn't look as much as Brendon like his mom did, but he still did look like Brendon.

"I'm Boyd, but you can call me dad." He said, hugging me just like how Brendon's mom did. We all sat down, Brendon and I in one booth, and Grace and Boyd in the other one.

Brendon did the thing where he wrapped his arm around me and pulled me closer, again. I looked back up at Brendon and he looked down at me, us kissing after.

"You two make such a lovely couple." Grace said, smiling like she usually does. She was smiley like Brendon, I guess I can see where he gets it from.

The waitress walked by and took our orders.

We all talked and learned about each other. I learned embarrassing stories about Brendon, which was a good laugh.

"Um, Dad." I said, pretty awkwardly. He looked up and smiled.

"Yes, Faelecia?"

"Would you please walk me down the aisle at the wedding." I asked. He knit his eyebrows but nodded.

"Why can't your father do it?" He asked, trying his best to not sound rude.

"Dad, dad, dad, Faelecia's parents... passed away around a year ago." Brendon quickly warned his dad.

His dad nodded and gave me an apologetic look.

"Of course I'll walk you down the aisle." He smiled.

After the brunch, Brendon and I drove home.

"Your parents are really sweet and cool! Your dad was really nice for walking me down the aisle." I smiled, looking at Brendon who had a smile on his face but was still looking at the road.

"I love you Faelecia!" He smiled, looking at me for a split second and then back at the road.

"Brendon, I love you with all my heart, and I want to spend the rest of my life with you!"

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