Attitude Much?

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(I find this Gif goes great with this chapter, or the book completely.)

I woke up and Brendon was already awake, practically staring at me.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" I asked, propping myself up on my elbows. Brendon sat on the bed, causing me to lose balance on my elbows as the bed dipped, which led to me fall.

"Because, you think I can really trust you after you tried to kill me and ran off with that twig?!" He almost yelled, buttoning up his white dress shirt.

"You tried killing me first for some dumb reason. You don't think that I found you sketchy before I was told that? I only tried killing you because you tried killing me first for the dumbest reason, and, you lied to me about a whole load of things! And also! I ran away with Tyler because he cared about me, unlike you who pushed me around everywhere and forced me to do stuff!" I yelled, flopping back down on the pillow.

"Well, I'm absolutely livid that you think of me in that way, because we're going on a date whether you like it or not." He clapped his hands sarcastically and rolled his eyes, death glaring me for just telling him off.

"And what happens if I don't go?"

"Well then you get sent to the chair, easy as that!" He clapped sarcastically, giving me an evil look after. One of pure disgust.

"Well I rather die in that chair than go on a date with you." I mumbled to myself, but of course Brendon had to hear it. He sharply turned his head to death glare me, grabbing my wrist as tight as possible and lifting me until I was standing on my two feet.

"Stop giving me that attitude, I'm sick and tired of it! It's hard to deal with and just overall shouldn't be coming from a twenty-six year old, so stop it!" He yelled, finally letting go of my wrist.

I checked it and it was all pale in that spot.

"No! You know what?! You don't tell me what to do! I'm a twenty-six year old woman and can do stuff on my own. You're a thirty year old man who killed my boyfriend, the only man I ever loved. So don't tell me to calm down, because you also killed him on our eleventh anniversary! That should've been me with the bullet in my head, not him!" I screamed, crying right after. I placed my head in my hands.

Brendon sat down beside me, I could tell because I felt the bed dip down. He started rubbing my back, and I lost it.

"Get your hands off of me right now! I do not need you touching me! Nor do I need you snapping at me and apologising to me! Get you cold hands off of my back before I lose my s**t!" I snapped. I felt Brendon jerk away, leaving the room.

I turned around and shoved my face in the nearest pillow. I knew it was Brendon's by the smell of it. It smelt like his hair, god was his hair ever amazing! What the hell is my problem. I hate this man with everything inside me and I'm talking about his perfect hair. Someone should just put me out of my misery already!

Brendon walked back in.

"Faelecia, look at me, I promise I won't slap you like last time." I rolled over and wiped my eyes. He had a beautiful black dress in his hands.

"I thought you would like this, so I got it for our date tonight." He almost whispered. I smiled a little bit and got up, examining the dress.

"This is beautiful!" I exclaimed, taking the dress out of his hands.

"Glad you think so, now get dressed, because our date is an two hours!"

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