Not True

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Still In Brendon's POV

I was a bit shocked that she wanted to actually cuddle. Of course I said yes. She moved around before placing her head on my bare chest, also placing her hand on my chest.

I smiled to myself and wrapped an arm around her. She giggled and fell asleep. I was still awake, and on my phone as I rubbed her up and down on her arm.

After a little while, I decided it would be good to go to sleep as well, and that's what I did. I fell asleep with the perfect girl in my arms.

In the morning, Faelecia was still in my arms, but she had one of her arms slung over my chest. I laughed and remained in bed until she woke up, which didn't take her that long.

"Brendon?" She grumbled, staying on my chest but looking up to see me. I smiled at how cute she was. If I smiled for every time I thought she was cute, I'd be smiling twenty-four seven.

"Brendon, I don't feel well, I think I'm gonna be-" She cut herself off by getting up and running to the bathroom. I followed to help her with her hair and make her feel better.

She was already face in the toilet by the time I got there. She had one hand holding up her short blond hair and the other one on the toilet seat. I walked in and bent down beside her, taking the hair out of her hands and holding it for her in one hand. The other one was rubbing her back.

"What happened last night?" She said between barfs.

"Well, we went to the restaurant and then you got really drunk, so I brought you home and you got dressed in your PJ's. After that I wiped your makeup off and you fell asleep, laying your head on my chest." I explained, not going into all the details. But Faelecia, being the curious girl she is, had to ask,

"Are there any details I need to know?"

"Well, um, when I was driving back home, you said that you loved me more than Tyler because I was 'More exciting' and 'brought stuff to the table that he couldn't'. You also said that your sober-self'll say that you didn't mean it because you're drunk. And you also cuddled with me when we slept." I said, almost forgetting to add that last part.

I was just hoping that she did love me back, because that engagement ring that I had in my underwear drawer would be a waste if she didn't. Yes, I've had the ring for a long time. Of course I was mad as her when she tried to kill me, but I didn't stop loving her, I just hated Tyler way more. I loved that woman to death, and would do anything to be with her.

"Oh well, um, the whole drunk thing where I confessed wasn't true, um you know, I was drunk." She said slowly, shattering my heart into a million pieces.

Faelecia's POV

I felt so bad for lying to Brendon. Yes, I did love him just a little bit when I was with Tyler, and I hated him when he killed Tyler. But throughout Tyler and I's whole relationship, I was always comparing him to Brendon in my head. And I was always just acting like I hated Brendon, only because I was enraged at the fact that he killed Tyler.

I was just always to mad to admit it, but Brendon was my world. I only tried killing him because, because I was stupid. I just wanted to get revenge. In the long run, Brendon did it because he wanted to protect me.

I just don't know how to tell Brendon, do I be straight-forward with him, or do I give off hints that I love him? Being in love is a stressful thing.

Back To Brendon's POV

She said no. She broke my heart, and I don't know how to feel. I let go of her hair and walked out of the bathroom, not knowing what to say or do.

Faelecia was already done throwing up at that time and ran out of the room.

"Brendon, Brendon, don't be upset. I-I was..."

"You were what?" I anticipated, hoping that what I thought was gonna come out of her mouth.

"I was lying, I love you! I'm sorry, so sorry for lying. I was just too upset that you killed Tyler to admit that I loved you. I loved you even when I was with Tyler. I-I just don't know what got to me, I was just too scared to tell you." She started crying. I got up and was crying too. She hugged me as tight as possible as I hugged her as tight as possible.

We both cried for what seemed like forever, but I let go, revealing my tear stained face.

"I love you so much Faelecia, please, never forget that!" She cried even more.

"I love you too Brendon, I love you so much you don't even know!" She said, wrapping her arms around me and not letting go. God, I don't even know how much I loved this woman. She was absolutely perfect. I was so dumb for trying to kill her, and I deserved to almost get killed too.

"Look, you're the woman of my dreams. I can't live without you, and I want to spend eternity with you, so, just give me a second." I walked up to her and cupped my hands on her cheeks. She knit her eyebrows, but I pulled her close to me and kissed her with all the passion I could.

She melted in my touch, and fell as I kissed her. Not literally. I let go and went to my underwear drawer, taking the box with the ring out of and going on one knee.

Faelecia cupped her hands over her mouth and started tearing up, which was the best reaction I could ever ask for.

"Faelecia, I've only known you for a year, but that year has been the best year of my life. With all the ups and downs we had, I would consider it a roller-coaster that I never want to get off of. Will you do the honours, of becoming my wife?"

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