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14 hours later

The plane landed and I, yet again, hooked onto Brendon for dear life.

"Just calm down." He laughed. I looked him in the eye and laughed.

"Look outside, cmon, it looks cool, you'll like it." I took my face out of his chest and looked out at the window, tightening my grip on his arm, but still enjoying the view.

"Wow! This is nice!" I said, loosening my grip on his arm, but still keeping it there. Brendon laughed and looked at me, or at least he did when I looked at him. Brendon and I sat normally, but we intertwined our hands.

The plane landed and it was bumpy. Brendon laughed and I tried un-popping my ears. The plane completely stopped and we were one of the first ones to get out.

I jumped while I got out of the plane, wanting to kiss the floor. I obviously didn't, because that's unsanitary. Brendon held my hand and we walked into the airport.

"Hey babe, guess what?" He asked, smiling and jumping around.


"We're in Venice!" He smiled, leaning in and kissing my forehead. I smiled and we both did what we had to do and left the airport.

We called a cab and headed to the hotel.

"So, what do you wanna do when we get there?" Asked Brendon.

"Is there a pool there?" I asked. He shrugged.

"Probably, and if there is, I packed our bathing suits in my suitcase." I smiled and we got to the hotel.

Brendon and I got our suitcases out of the back and went into the hotel. Brendon went to the counter and spoke to the lady in Italian.

"Sala sotto il nome Urie." It came out fluently, and I didn't know that he could speak it like that.

"Wow, that was a nice way of speaking, can you speak more to me?" I asked, twisting on my heels.

"Naturalmente bambino, tu sei un angelo così bello e ti amo tanto. Sei anche molto carino e sorprendente!" He smiled, bopping my nose.

"What does that mean?" I asked.

"Of course baby, you're such a beautiful angel and I love you so much. You're also very cute and amazing!" I smiled and we got on the elevator to go to our honeymoon suite.

"God is it ever nice in here!" I exclaimed as we walked into the huge room with a nice white bed that had chocolate on the pillows.

"Yep, Venice is an amazing place! That's why I chose it." He chuckled and started singing what he was doing. He did that a lot, it didn't bug me, but it's funny because he doesn't realize that he's doing it.

"Putting away my clothes with my amazing wife!" He sang, folding his pants and placing them in one of the drawers.

"Brendon, shuffle your Spotify playlist, please!" I whined but didn't really. Brendon sighed/laughed, getting his phone out of his back pocket and going on Spotify, shuffling his two-thousand playlist.

All the hits of the two thousand played. Like Circus by Britney Spears. I started singing, of course.

"Calm down Britney." Brendon laughed. I continued to sing until the song finished. I danced a little while putting away my stuff.

"Alright, we're done, what do you wanna do now?" He asked, causing me to shrug and think.

"We can ask if they have any cool sites to see, or if you want we can go to the pool since it's like seven at night," I suggested, causing Brendon's eyes to glimmer when he shot them up to meet mine.

"Why don't we go to the pool? It seems fun. It'll be the first fun activity we do as a married couple."

I nodded and we both got our bathing suits out of the drawers where we packed them.

"I'll change here and you change in the bathroom, got it?" He asked. I nodded and took my two-piece and walked into the bathroom.

I took my clothes off and put the suit on, walking out to see that Brendon had already been ready. He was always ready before I was, which was a relief.

"Let's go!" He hooked my hand into his, kissed me and we got towels before we went back downstairs.

"I've never actually seen you in a bathing suit." He remarked, causing me to laugh. We went down the elevator and got to the main floor in no problem.

"Scusami, sai dove è la piscina?" He asked a lady at the counter. She smiled and pointed to a huge glass door where people were swimming. Brendon looked at me and cracked a grin.

"Whoops!" We both laughed. We placed our hands together and walked in together.

"You ready to have the time of your life?" He asked, his hair being perfect. I'm pretty sure nothing could ruin it, even water.

"Of course I am!"

Revenge Of UrieCity {Book 2}//B.UWhere stories live. Discover now