I Love You

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She stared at me for a couple of seconds. Her eyes were full of shock, and tears. She ran into me and hugged me so hard that we both fell on the ground.

"Yes! A million times yes!I love you with all my heart and, and words just can't describe it! I wanna spend the rest of my life with you!" She cried, but was also smiling. I laughed with joy and started crying, hugging her while she was on top of me.

"God, you don't know how much I love you Faelecia!" I smiled as wide as I could, considering the love of my life just said yes to marrying me.

We both laid on the floor and cried, tears of joy of course.

"How long have you had the ring? She asked. I laughed to myself and turned my head to look at her.

"Remember when you were in the hospital, after the incident. Well, while you were still asleep, I went out and bought one."

"But that was only two days after we met." She slightly laughed.

"I know, but I loved you when I first saw you, and I just bought the ring to make you think we were married when I lied, which I am still not forgiving myself for." I laughed awkwardly, Faelecia was laughing too.

"That's really romantic." She said, making me smile. She was just the best human being ever.

"Brendon, can we go out for dinner again, to celebrate, but how about no one gets drunk this time." She laughed, probably thinking of the memory of when I was drunk.

"Well, of course we can go out, but it probably won't be as fancy, because I can't spend all my money." I said, looking at Faelecia who nodded.

We both got up and got dressed, her going to the bathroom. I put on a plain t-shirt and some jeans. She came out in a classic t-shirt and a pair of skinny jeans.

"Twinsies!" She laughed, pointing to me, causing me to laugh. I was just in a really good mood. We walked downstairs and into the living room.

"Can we watch TV?" She asked, looking at me with her beautiful turquoise eyes. I smiled and ran my hand down her cheek.

"Of course we can, any show in particular?" I asked, considering we never watched a show together.

"Not really, maybe like Friends, The Office, Spongebob or the Fairly OddParents." She suggested. I laughed at the last two, considering that they were kid shows.

"Spongebob and The Fairly OddParents?"

"Those were my favourite shows as a kid, they bring back a lot of memories, but Friends or The Office is funnier." She said as we walked to the couch.

"Well it depends what you want, honey. I can check Netflix, see what's there." I said, grabbing the remote and placing my feet on the coffee table. She cuddled up beside me, placing her head on my chest like what she did last night.

"Check the trending, maybe we can watch something new." She said, placing her hand on my heart as I turned on the TV.

"Well, um, there's Buffy the Vampire Slayer, American Dad, The Mindy Project, Bo Burnham: Make Happy, On-"

"Make Happy sounds good. Check the description, please." She said. I nodded and did so, reading it out loud.

"Symphonic. Honest. Primed for the spotlight. He's here to spill a bright, comic mess on a dark world."

"Would you wanna watch it? It looks like it's a comedy show." She said.

"Of course I do! Seems funny." I would do anything for that woman, she's gonna be my entire life.

The show started, and then the actual comedy show started. We were both laughing our heads off during it, because Bo Burnham is hilarious. The songs and the acts were creative and well thought of.

"God, was that ever funny!" She got up and was smiling while in laughter.

"I'm gonna go take a shower, I'll be back in like twenty minutes." She kissed me and went off. I went back on the TV, watching re-runs of Friends and How I Met Your Mother.

Faelecia's POV

You actually think that I'm gonna marry that dim-wit? Of course I'm gonna go through with the marriage, but then later I'm gonna break his heart into a million pieces.

He's done one to many things to break my heart and ruin my life. I knew that if I said no to the proposal, then Brendon would get so mad that, I don't even know what he'd do. But if I broke his heart sometime after the wedding, then that would be cooler and I would be able to escape.

I got in the shower and took the biggest breath I could, trying to get all the lies out of my system. A shower would probably help me feel better, and since I 'love' Brendon, I can get my humanly rights back.

It was extremely hard for me to pretend to love him, especially when he told me that I was drunk. I told him I didn't wanna drink, and he forced me to.

I was still laughing while thinking of Make Happy, as I showered. It wasn't loud enough for Brendon to hear, probably because he was downstairs and I was upstairs.

I finished and walked downstairs, having to stare the definition of evil in the eye.

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