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I walked away from the house,  heading to the town.....well town is a lightly used term, I would say the clump of buildings in the middle of the massive cavern. It was technically night, which we had found out by the scientists postioning multiple cameras, so we could monitor the sun on the surface. Since the cavern was naturally dark, we had used the earth's geothermal heat to power our lights at night and solar during the day. I continued to walk until I reached the center.  People milled around, as I walked.  When I reached the center, I look to the clock, it was postioned on a pole, showing that it was 9:31.

I turned, heading toward the Crevice.  The Crevice, was a tucked away meeting ground, few people went there, besides me and May. But after what happened eariler, I was sure we both need some time to think. I entered the area, opening the gate before closing it behind me. I flipoed the switch, lighting up the entire cavern. Telling by the time it took, no one had been here in a while.

The platforms still stood, extending across the cavern, over chasms and drops. The Slabs, which was the name most of us called it, was formed when this cavern was made. The platforms were shaped flat, which contributed to the name.Some were supported by wood,to allow them to be jumped on as well as jumped off. They extended high into the cavern, a drop from the highest one could kill someone if they landed wrong. I walked towards the closets platform, leaping to it.

I landed, looking to the next platform, which was used to be wobly, but wood planks had been placed to stabilize it. It stood taller then the platform I was currently on but I jumped again, landing on groves in the rock, climbing up like I had done many times before. I reached the top, which had some few feet to run and jump to the lower platform, which was a 10-15ft drop.  I ran leaping.

I landed with a roll to keep the momentum going, as I ran and jumped to the lower platform, doing a small flip off the initial jump, flaunting my confidence in my abilites. The landing wasn't flat, as the platform was sloped, segued into a fall.  I scrambled to find a grip on the scaffolding that I fell onto. I put my hands on a ledge, and feet on a small hold, jumping and climbing my way to the top.

I pull myself on to the large platform panting, I stood up sweat staining my brow.  The platform was big enough for me to rest momentarily. This was the barely the midway point of the Slabs, I still had a way to go.  As I took off leaping again.

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