Tolerance Day-2

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The change was swift, as I hit the floor running on all fours. The pain was swift but bearable. The deer turned tail, running as I sprinted after it. I felt my sense raise, as my heart pump and my adrenaline rushed through my body pushing me forward after the deer.

It wasn't long before I caught the deer, swiping its hind leg, causing it to stumble and fall as its blood began to leak onto the fresh snow. I was quick it pounce it, opening my mouth wide. The look in its eyes, from what I could tell was fear, as it panted and bucked.

I couldn't bring myself to bite, as a grumble rose in my stomach. Closing my eyes, I bit down hard, as I heard a crack and a resigning screech. Its blood raised down my throat as I pulled back. I felt a tear roll down my eye, as I bit down again tearing into its flesh.

"Iam sorry"


Stomaching what I could I dragged the rest of the corpse back to the cave. As I entered the small pup, same from before rushed to me as it nuzzled against my leg happily. It must have recognized me in this form, probaly from smell.

My physicue slowly reverted back to normal, as I shortened to lightly pat its head. I nuzzled my palm. The parents were eyeing me but this time without the anger from last time. The other pups rain to the corpse, as they began to eat. Soon the one who likes me, had joined them.

I turned and watched the fresh snow fall from the mouth of the cave. I walked out, bending over, I took a handful of snow and wiped it against my mouth. The snow became red as I rubbed it against the blood. When I finished I headed back into the cave.

Finding one of the farthest corners in the cave, I sat, laying against the cold wall. Before to long the the weight of my eyes became to have to keep open.


I awoke to a harsh roar, it echoed through the cave, as the wolves ears collectively poked up. I quickly stood, running to the mouth of the cave.

In the snow stood a bear. An abnormally large polar bear, it had looked like that kid, similarly enough. It growled ferociously, as it stood on its back to legs, beating me in height.

The wolves came beside, the male to my left and female to my right. They growled intensely as I turned back, the pups were far in the cave, away from us.

In one swift move, the bear brought its front paws violently down, slamming me down as its claws dug into my chest. I shouted, as I tried to force its release. My arm grew on command as I slashed at it repeatable.

The wolves ran, jumping on its back as they bit ferociously, tearing into its back. Thickening my nails as my arm grew more, I stab my nails threw its paw, as it pulled off, growling angrily. The wolves flew of its back into the snow. Going back on all fours, it bit my leg.

I instantly felt my bones snap. I screamed, as I pulled my self to it, scratching at it's face. It pulled me from the cave, as the two wolves picked themselves up. It turned its head quickly as it sent my body flying.

I flew before slamming into the thick trunk of a tree.

I fought against the pain, as my eyes began to haze, and the holes in my chest closed. I slowly picked my self up, before falling against the tree. My leg was taken a little bit longer to heal.

The wolves fought the bear, the female biting at its hind legs, as the male was on its back, biting on its neck.

I soon felt my heart begin to beat faster, as I felt my leg fix itself. I fell on my knees as the pain began to grow throughout my body, the features of my new from began to take their places as my body reconfigured its self to fit my new purpose.

I now, stood on all fours, as I growled before rushing towards the bear. I got to it, as I rammed it. The male wolf jumped to my back as I pushed the bear.

It suddenly turned its head, as it grabbed the wolf from my back, holding it by its leg. The wolf bit it repeatedly, but it wouldn't let go. The female wolf came to my side as it jumped, biting the bears face and scratching its eye.

It turned rapidly and swiped at the she wolf, sending her fly against the tree. The male was angered by this, as he jumped from my back towards the bear, before being scratched across the stomach and sent flying towards the cave.

Now me and the bear circled each other as the wolves attempted to recuperate. It ran charging as I followed suit. We slammed into eachother with enough force to cause some snow fall from trees and some branches to splinter.

We were both on our hind legs as we wrestled for control. I bit its neck as blood being to drop from the wound. I howled painfully as it began swiping at my head, cutting  my ear and face. I kept my bite, ripping the wound open more as I shook my head from left to right savagely.

I eventually gained the upper hand as I pushed it over. I still was on top, as I swiped at its chest vigorously as blood began to spray into the white snow. The bear didn't show fear but more anger as it lean forward to roar in my face.

As it did I swiped its bottom jaw, knocking it clean off as the tongue wiggled, before the bear began to choke on its own blood.

I got up as the bear started to struggle, but it was no use as the bear soon died, either from choking on the blood or loss of blood, possibly both.

I instinctively, got on all four as I held my breath momentarily, before unleashing a roar to show my status to whatever else dwelled out in the woods.

My howl rang out.

Well that was quite something, this fight between Nick and the bear was kind of like a continuation of the last, showing he can dwell into savagery with losing himself.

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