Day 4 Phase 4

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Me and Terrence had a stand off, both on opposite sides of the gym. "What triggers your change?" I asked him from my side, standing still. "I think about good times in my life, times I did good, stuff like that" seemingly embarassed by the fact, he said rubbing his head. "How about you? " he asked "I do know yet I thought about everything, my family, friends but I think it was May that triggered it" I say trying to keep a unchanged expression "Ohhhhh" Terrence said, stiffiling back a laugh "Who's May?" he asked "a friend" I said keeping my eyes down, betraying my emotions. "Nothing more?"he egged on jovially. I didn't respond,so he took that as signal to start. He stood still, closing his eyes before looking up after a few minutes.

His eyes were an amber gold, he smirked at me as the rest of his body followed suit in the change.In a matter of minutes his body was completely changed his body grew legs, arms, head everything. When he was done he stood maybe seven and a half feet tall. I stood in amazement. He walked around the gym, in his changed form. "Your turn" he grumbled out, it was barely understandable. "Okay" I said closing my eyes letting my memories run through my mind. I thought of the time me and May got sidetracked after our lesson at the institute and didn't get home till late, both of our parents were angry for days. Memories flooded my mind, of me and May's exploits in our time here. After a while I opened my eyes, both of my arms had changed. They were covered in the same blackish brown fur, they were bigger, and longer. My nails had sharpened. I looked down to my feet, they had changed too, articulating at the back, growing fur on them like my hands. Tasted the iron of my blood as my teeth sharpened, and my nose and mouth slowly, but surely fused into a short snout, almost like Terrence's just less wolf like. The bones in my ribs and spine expanded and strengthing, to accomadate my weight. My ears, grew up to a point, bit were rounded and not as long. My fur, blackish brown, covered my entire body. My legs, grew stocky, broad. Finally, from my tail bone sprouted a short tail.

I stood, opposite the gym from Terrence. In this form, I was half a foot or so taller than Terrence. I began to walk around the gym, stretching. "This feels amazing" I said, or growled out now.

Before I could get used to it, Terrence sprinted at me  running on all fours. He pounced landing on me. He snapped and tried to bite me. But I held his mouth away from my neck. I after a short struggle I punched him, he flew off of me, hitting the wall across the gym. He slowly regained his compostion, slowly standing. He looked at me his eyes were a reddish brown coloration, not the usual amber. "Terrence?" I tried to grumbled out.  He growled at me sinsterly. He began to circle so did I. He let out a howl, before charging again. I ran towards him. We clashed in the center, as he jumped on me I picked him up slamming him on the wood flooring of the gym, causing it to break on impact. He quickly jumped out of the dent I had used him to make. He ran around the gym, circling me. He ran by me, cutting my chest with his claws. Blood seeped as he continued running. My body began to shrink, changing back human. "Shit shit shit"  I said trying to will the change again to no avail. As he came towards me again I stood still, thinking over the options. I couldn't outrun him in this form, so I had to wait it out or try depending on how long he could hold the change. Terrence ran at me on all fours again leaping, I stood there almost completely frozen with fear. Before he could land, a shadowy figure appeared  intercepting him, the figure struggled with him,eventually forced Terrence to the ground, scratching and hitting him.

He lay on the ground, bleeding. The figure,who was slim, had a jet black fur coat and distinct light grey eyes. Just then guards from the Feldspar regiment rushed through the door, probably hearing the struggle. Terrence lay bleeding on the floor unconscious, I still stood blood seeping from my chest, confused and drowsy. As the cut slowly began to heal.

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