Tolerance- Day 1

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I stood in an open field, the surrounding forest kept receding, farther and farther back. It then sporadically begin to snow. A figure appeared far back, it slowly began to move towards me.

It came faster and faster until it was only a few feet away. It was a gigantic creature, covered in a thick dark brown fur, with a lighter brown running down its side, as well as a silvery white. It stopped righting in front of me watching intently. It towered over me, as it let out a low growl, its muzzle contorting to show teeth.

I had known it was me, or more accurately the other side of me. I took a few steps back, as its growls intensified. I took a step back, but fell. The world crumbled with me as a burning light shined in my eyes.


I shoot forwards, awoken suddenly. I looked around I had been laid up against a tree, as snow fell out the the trees protective leaves. The snow was piling up quickly. I wore a body suit, black. Standing I begin to walk, wobbling at first before regaining composure.

Walking I reached my hand out of the cover of the tree. I felt it, cold and wet. I didn't know how to respond, as this was my first time seeing snow for myself, as well as actually touching it. I walked further from the cover of the snow.

I looked around, slightly shivering as the snow landed on my suit. There were trees and snowfall as far as I could see.

"Where the hell am I?" I said to myself aloud, as I continued walking. I trudged through the ever deepening snow fall. Walking towards a cluster of trees, I see something dart by, followed by more things.

I followed the chase with my eyes, it was a deer, full grown male by the look of the antlers, being chased by two wolves. I ran after then, following behind suprisingly easily.

Eventually the wolves leaped onto the deer biting down on its neck, it let out a hoarse sound, before collapsing. They tore into it quickly, as I watched curiously. Just then, my stomach began to growl, giving me a slight pain.

The wolves suddenly turned and faced me, teeth bared. I froze, watching them carefully. They let out a growl. Almost instinctively I growled back, baring my sharpened teeth. They backed down, nodding towards me. I slowly stepped forward, walking towards them as the dug into their meal. The bigger one was a brownish grey, while the slightly smaller one was a lighter grey.

They paid no heed to me watching them eat gave me a strange feeling. I looked around, for any other movement. The wolves looked me over intently. Suddenly they howled in unison. From a brush no to far from us, 3 pups came running. I watched as the joined their parents in the meal. After a few minutes, the carcass was all but devoured. Blood covered the wolves snouts, as they licked intently.

They soon began to move, walking together away from the meal. I followed, slowly behind. The pups watched me intently, as they walked. One, brown came and gave me a playful bark. I smirked, as I kneeled, patting the wolves head gently.

The parents turned barking at me, I backed up, sensing the anger. As they pulled the pup from me. Teeth bared they watched me. We continued walking, as we eventually reached a cave. They entered as I followed suit.


I followed in, as the main chamber was huge. The male, laided down as his mate laid to the side. There pups chased each other playfully. I sat, leaning against the wall next to the entrance.

My stomach growled again, as I picked my self up. The same pup came again, watching intently, I nooded towards it, as it barked again. I watched the parents as they watched back.

I exited the cave, as I sniffed the air. Making a mental note of the cave, I began to run.


I eventually found a deer, smaller then the one from earlier, but good enough. Crouching, I began to think. Things went through my head, as eventually something triggered the change.


Well here's your first look at the Tolerance chamber, tell me what you think and thanks.

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