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I wake up to with pain stinging every inch of my body. Laughing Jack really did a lot of damage to me, and even though there are no scars are bruises, the pain is still there. I don't... want to go into detail what he did to me, but there wasn't anything extreme.

A knock comes to the door and I am too lazy to get up to answer it. I'm a little scared too.

“Do you want me to barge in or are you going to open the door?” I hear Jasper's bored voice through the door. “You only have an hour to get ready so hurry up!” I hear him walk away from the door.


I don't want to go to school.

What if that Jeff guy shows up and tries to kill me again?

But if I don't go, then I won't be able to figure out who Sweet Tooth is.


After getting dressed in a pink sweater and some light – blue jeans, grab my bag, and go downstairs. When I go into the dining room, I see Fang sleeping on the dining table. His body is lain across the table as if he is dead. Hm, should I wake him up?

“Don't bother waking him,” Jasper says from behind. I turn around and see him in his uniform. If he's trying to prove that he's older than what he appears to be, then he's failing.

“But shouldn't I wake him up? What about school?” I'm a little puzzled. How is he able to make it to my house if he sleeps on tables like this?

“Wait for it,” he says with a laugh. “Three, two....” I look over at Fang and see him sit up with his eyes still closed. He stretches out his arms and opens his eyes. When he sees me, his jaw drops.

“What are you doing here?” He ask me.

“She was attacked last night,” Jasper explains to him. “I wanted her to stay over here until the attacker is found. Till then, you have no reason to sleep on the table anymore.”

Fang glares at him. “Don't make it sound like I do this everyday.”

“Ah yes, how can I forget that you were sleeping on the counter, the hard floors in the hallway and who can't forget the laundry room. You are like a cat, you just can't sleep in one spot.”

“Oh shut up and go buy yourself a donut.” He gets off the table and stands straight. He looks at me and smiles, “well, since you are here, I guess we might get to school early today. When you are ready, I'll be outside in the front; there's a car waiting for us in the driveway.” He walks pass me and Jasper and I hear Jasper say “ouch.” I turn around and see him holding onto his shoulder.

“You're pretty weak if he punched you,” I say bluntly.

“Oh yeah, you want me to punch you?”

I raise my hands up as if I am surrendering. “Please spare me. I'm allergic to pain.”

“Really?” His eyes narrow down to my left arm. I look at it and see that my bandages are revealed. How did my leave roll down?

“I – uh, it was a cooking accident.”

“A cooking accident, huh? What did you do, drop the knife incorrectly?”

“No, I burn myself,” I say quickly.

He looks at me and smiles. “Didn't anyone tell you that kids aren't suppose to be playing in the kitchen.”

“Why you -” I punch him in the arm and he laughs.

“Okay, I'm sorry. Geez, a small girl can really pack a punch.” He laughs again. “Alright, go to school before I have to punish you.”

Cravings (Laughing Jack Twisted Romance)Where stories live. Discover now