"Hello my beautiful rose."

"Harry!" She squealed, wrapping her arms around Harry. Harry wanted nothing more to lean down and kiss her on her lips. He'd been in love with her for years, making it impossible for him to settle down with anyone. He'd even tried to make her get out of his mind, it never worked.

Callista couldn't believe it. It was Harry. Her Harry. Harry had been her best friend since the first day of middle school. She'd been down the halls to her first class when someone rushed past her, tripping her. Luckily, Harry was behind her, and caught her. Ever since then, they'd been best friends. He was also one of about ten people that Callista stayed in touch with after her cancer diagnosis. Other people she knew simply called up and offered their condolences. Callista hated that. She hated whenever people felt sorry for her. But knowing this, instead of calling her, Harry flew over from college with heaps of white chocolate, tea, and romance movies. Instead of talking to her and offering his condolences, he wrapped them both in a blanket and let her sleep. She was forever grateful for that.

Callista hadn't seen Harry in a year now, the last time he came to visit her being the day after she found out she had cancer. Her heart swelled up at the sight of her best friend. She tried to ignore the little thump-thump her heart did when she saw him.

"I've missed you." He mumbled into her shoulder. She laughed lightly, making the butterflies in his stomach grow to an imaginable number. God, he'd missed her.

"Says the guy who moved to the other side of the world." She smiled. Callista remembered the day he told her he was moving to England for college. She didn't think that she'd cried more than that, other than the time she figured out she had cancer of course.

"Well I'm back, and we have one year of catching up to do." Harry said, and he had to hold himself back from leaning down and planting a kiss on her soft lips. He only wanted to pull her close and never let her go. But he refrained.

Callista felt it. Callista felt exactly what Harry wanted to do to her, because she knew him that well. But it scared her to think that he was in love with her, because she knew that when she died, he would be crushed. Leaving would be so much easier if they were friends and nothing more.

"Wanna go down to the café?"She asked, turning around to grab her coat.

"The café?" Harry asked. Harry didn't want to go to the café. He wanted to stay here with her, preferably kissing, hugging, and anything he could do that would make her his girlfriend.

Callista giggled. "Yes the café. Now hurry up slowpoke." She could feel the intensity from Harry's eyes, and she knew exactly what he wanted. She wanted him too, but she knew she couldn't have him. She turned her gaze away from his, hoping to calm the butterflies in her stomach.

Thankfully Harry didn't get her any more nervous by saying, "Fine. But I believe I came here for lunch, and wouldn't it be rude if I didn't stay?"

"We'll manage." Callista grinned, "And if not, I'll use the old cancer perks." Harry's smile faltered, and Callista saw. Her cancer was always a sore topic between the two of them, and any mention of it would make Harry cry. "But they'll let us out." She said gently. Harry smiled, and she could tell he was holding back his tears. How much worse would it be if they were actually together? Callista could only imagine a fraction of what his pain would be like if she died.

"If it's okay with your mum." He said.

Ten minutes later they were at the café that they'd spent all of their childhood at. Good news? Let's go to the café! Bad news? Let's go to the café! It had become sort of a meeting place for the two, and they'd been there so much, the barista's knew their names.

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