Four Days Later

"Amsterdam, here we come!" Harry cheered, as they got off the plane at Schipol Airport. Callista shook her head at his childish antics, but couldn't resist smiling. She remembered what Harry looked like when they took of from home.

"Look!" Harry half yelled. Callista laughed.

"It's beautiful." Callista smiled, but her attention was really on Harry. He looked so amazed. He pulled the camera out of his camera bag and began taking pictures of the beautiful countryside, which quickly turned into the beach and sea.

Suddenly, Harry turned around and took a picture of her. The camera click startled Callista.

"But the sights nothing compared to you." He said, smiling.

"You're a six foot, buff 23 year old, but you act like you're seven." Callista said.

"I love youuuu." Harry said, covering Callista's face with sloppy kisses.

"Ew." Callista said, "But I love you too." Thank goodness they were last to leave.

Harry and Callista picked up their suitcases, one each, and find a cab. Luckily, the cab driver spoke enough english to know where they were going. Harry had taken a great deal of effort to book the exact hotel that Gus and Hazel had stayed in for The Fault in Our Stars, because it was one of Callista's favorite books, it was just that she didn't know it. When she heard Harry say, "Hotel Filosoof" she tackled him into the backseat, covering his face with kisses.

"Thank you thank you thank you." She repeated in between kisses, making Harry laugh.

"Anything for you darling." He whispered, kissing her tenderly, before the driver started. They reached their destination in about 30 minutes, and Harry's expression was hilarious. His excitement only grew as they grew closer to the center of Amsterdam, which was the oldest part. The street life was vibrant, colorful, and its joyful nature rubbed off in Callista. By the time they reached the hotel, she was ready to explore. Harry's excitement was impossible to contain. He was eager to get out there and take photos, but he had something else planned for that night. As soon as they reached the hotel, at about 6:30, Harry pulled her into the room and opened up her suitcase, pulling out the little black dress that they bought a couple days ago. Callista rolled her eyes, but put the dress on anyways as Harry changed into a black button up(which obviously wasn't buttons all the way up) and some black jeans and brown boots.

When Callista came out of the bathroom, Harry's jaws dropped. She looked gorgeous. He'd underestimated the effect it would have on him when he was in the dressing room, and suddenly he regretted wearing such tight pants.

Callista looked Harry up and down. "Aren't jeans a bit informal?" She questioned, but he shook his head.

"They're nice." He protested, "AndIforgottobringmydresspants." Callista giggled, shaking her head.

"Fine. Let's go, I'm hungry."

"Are you never not?" Harry grumbled, making Callista glare at him.

"Watch your words Styles." She warned, as he wrapped an arm around her waist and pulled her into his chest.

"You know." He said, playing with her fingers as the rested against his chest, "I recall from when I was reading the book, that Augustus and Hazel had sex, am I right?" Callista blushed, hiding her face in his chest. "I'm only kidding, unless..."

"I want dinner first, then we'll see." Callista said, and then winked. Harry smirked slyly.

"You know, I don't need dinner, not if I have you here." He said, kissing beneath her ear.

"Harry!" She said, slightly flustered by his openness.

"I'm just saying. But if you want food, we can go get some. And save the name screaming for later darling, trust me, you'll need your voice." He said, winking. Callista's cheeks became even redder.

"L-Let's go." She stuttered, walking briskly out of the room. Harry shook his head and followed her out, grabbing his coat as he went.


It took about 30 minutes for Callista and Harry to reach the restaurant. The whole time Callista tried to get out of Harry where they were going, but he kept his mouth shut. Right as they got there, Harry ordered Callista to close her eyes.

"Just do it." He said, then placing his hands over her eyes. She scoffed, but didn't protest. Harry directed her so she wouldn't bump into anyone. When they got there, Harry leaned down and whispered,

"Open your eyes." Callista did, and she gasped. She was at Oranjee, the place Gus and Hazel had dinner at on there first night at Amsterdam. She tackled Harry in a huge hug, almost knocking him to the ground.

"I love you." She whispered in his ear.

"And I love you too." He said, kissing her cheek, and pulling her into the restaurant. They sat down at a table in the middle of the whole restaurant, sitting across from each other. The waiter placed a bottle of champagne in front of them, making Callista smile. She knew exactly what Harry was going to say.

"Tonight..." Harry said smiling.

"We taste the stars."


Harry had taken a great deal of effort when he tried to simulate the exact replica of Hazel and Gus' Oranjee dinner. They started with Belgian white asparagus with a lavender infusion, then dragon carrot risotto, then sweat pea sorbet, and then the green garlic gnocchi with red mustard leaves, and finally a dessert of crémeux surrounded by passionfruit. By the time dinner was over, Callista was livid with excitement. She had refrained from too much champagne. She wanted to remember the night.

Harry swung their arms back and forth as they walked by the canal.

"Was it okay?" He asked, after a couple minutes of silence.

"Are you joking?" Callista said incredulously, "I loved it!"

Harry smiled, and he couldn't resist leaning over and kissing her cheek. "I'm glad you loved it."

"I love you more though." She said quietly, looking down as she walked.

"What was that?" He teased.

"Don't push it Styles." She warned. Harry chuckled, pulling her to a stop.

"I love you too by the way." He said, bringing her closer to him. He was leaning on the railing. Behind hmm was the canal, and behind that was the streets, which were lit up and full. Harry pulled Callista against him, arms hands around her waist so she wouldn't let him go, not that she would. She gazed up at him, not being able to focus on anything besides him.

Slowly, Callista leaned in, and as did Harry. Their lips touched, creating an explosion in their bodies. Their bodies molded together, creating one whole.

Callista had felt like she was missing something for her whole life, and there it had been, standing in front of her the whole time. 

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