"If you weren't meant to be in my life, then why have I fallen for you?" He asked, his voice barely a whisper, "Why is it that when I'm around you, the dying girl, you suddenly feel alive?"

Callista looked up at Harry. She then realized exactly how short she was compared to him. It seemed like such a shallow thought, but that was the only thing that registered.

"I know you Callista. I know how you feel. And I know you want it. I know you want us." Harry murmured, and Callista felt herself succumbing to him. She wanted to pull him down and kiss him, but her head stopped her.

You can't fall for him, Her brain said, Remember what you swore you'd do. But her heart said something different. She knew she was in love with him, but she was fighting it. She'd been feeling so confused over the past couple hours, she suddenly had a clear moment in her head since Harry had arrived. She knew that it would be horrible when she died, that Harry would be heartbroken. But she also knew that it would be even worse if she died without them acting upon their feelings.

Harry was nervous. His heart was beating so hard, he was afraid she could hear it. The things he'd said seemed like such a good idea a minute ago, but now that he'd said it, he thought different. She'd hate him for sure.

Callista acted upon her heart, not her brain, and breathed, "I love you." There, she'd said it. Harry had no reaction for a second, before the pained expression on his face turned to a huge smile.

Harry couldn't express how happy he was. It was like someone had bottled up all the sunshine in the world and injected it into him. He felt warm, hopeful, and most of all, loved. He couldn't hold it in anymore. So he leaned down and placed his lips on the beautiful woman in front of him.

Callista was caught off guard with Harry's kiss. But she hadn't felt happier. Instinctively, her arms wrapped around his neck, and his hands moved to her waist, making her dip slightly. She'd never felt like this before. She'd had her fair share of kisses, but none of them were this good. She felt his passion in her bones, that's how hard he kissed her.

Harry held onto Callista like he was her lifeline. In a way she was, she kept him afloat, but he knew he couldn't live without her. He dipped her body back, and it quickly turned into a kiss like something straight out of a movie. Callista giggled, causing Harry to smile into their kiss. Harry picked her up, and she wrapped her legs around him. He began to walk to the car when suddenly a downpour of rain caused them to get soaked in a matter of seconds.

"Kiss me." She whispered, and he obliged. Harry's lips were on her's once again, and Harry had never felt anything like it. Her lips were like drugs, and Harry was an addict that had no chance of recovering.

"Say it again." Harry murmured.

"I love you." She whispered, as if she was confessing some kind of secret. In a way she was, but she didn't want it to be secret anymore.

"I love you my beautiful rose." He whispered, reconnecting their lips. And in that moment, everything froze. There was no world, there was no time, and best of all, there was no cancer. It was just Harry and Callista in the rain.


"We're going to get a cold." Harry said, not being able to hold back his smile.

"I don't care." Callista said, "We can be sick together."

"I don't fancy getting sick. I'm only here for another week or so, but then I have to go back to college. You're coming with me of course-"

"Wait what?" Callista asked. She was going with him? "Going where?" She asked.

"College." Harry replied, enjoying the puzzled look on her face, "You know I have an apartment right?"

"Yeah..." Callista asked, "But the thing about me going with you?"

"Oh!" Harry said, "I never told you!"

"Go on then." Callista replied.

"I got an internship at National Geographic. I get to go around the world and take pictures!"

Callista's jaw dropped. She knew he was taking a photography course, just like she had been, but this was the internship of a lifetime. She'd hoped for a different internship,since she was doing. She threw her arms around Harry, making him laugh.

"Thank you." She mumbled into his wet shirt.

"Well I couldn't leave you all alone, now could I?" He joked.

"No really." She said looking up at him, Thank you. I never thought I'd leave the town again."

"Darling, if it was up to me, I'd have you out of here and on the other side of the world by now."

"It's been ten minutes since I kissed you and you're already funding my international travel." Callista giggled.

"Is it wrong that I want to kiss you again?" He whispered, his fingers playing with Callista's wet hair.

"I want to go into the car, then you can have as many kisses as you want." She teased. Suddenly she was in the air, supported by Harry's arms. She screamed grabbing onto Harry's neck. He chuckled, not being able to resist himself and leaned down and kissed her on the cheek.

"Harry!" She half-screamed, "You scared me to death!" In response he only pulled her closer to him, making her cuddle into his body. He was so warm, which was slightly weird in the rain, but she was thankful nonetheless.

He walked to the car, setting her down once they got there. Harry ushered her into the seat, and got into the driver's seat himself. Just as he was about to start the car, Callista knocked the keys out of his hands and climbed on top of him. She pushed the lever of the driver's seat, making it lean back

"Can't resist me can you?" Harry smirked as she fumbled with the buttons of his shirt. "Undressing me already? We've hardly been together for fifteen minutes."

"Shut up." Callista laughed, "I just don't want to kiss you with a wet shirt."

"That's okay darling, as long as I get to take your clothes off too."

She looked at him, flustered by his somewhat bold choice of words, her cheeks a bright shade of red.

"Just kidding..." He said, "Unless, of course, you want me to take your clothes off?"

Then Callista did what any embarrassed person would do and grabbed his unbuttoned shirt and smashed her lips against his.

Harry was taken by surprise. He'd never expected this, much less her kissing him first. Not that he didn't like it, of course. His hands rested on her back, pulling her towards him. It was like he'd been starving for 23 years and he'd suddenly tasted food. He couldn't get enough of her. 

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