Three Days Later

"Just try it on!" Harry whined, holding out a little black dress.

"I wouldn't be caught dead in it." Callista scoffed, shoving his hand away.

"Now don't be hasty darling. Just try it on for me?" Harry asked, making puppy dog eyes at her. And it worked like a charm.

"Fine." Callista said, "But no pictures or inappropriate comments, got it?" Callista had gotten more than she signed up for when she'd agreed to let Harry take her shopping. She'd gotten over her cold yesterday, and the two were due to leave on their world tour in 3 days. Callista realized she had nothing at all that she could bring along, and when she told Harry, he'd immediately offered to take her shopping. So far, Harry had made her try on about 6 bathing suits, insisting jokingly at the end of her little fashion show, that she should do it all over again, so he could choose his favorites. She'd declined, obviously, then picking three of the six and tossing them into Harry's arms. Now, they were at the dresses. It seemed that Harry had more interest in them than her, as he chose them off the racks, insisting she try them on, just for him. So here she was, holding pretty much one of the most revealing dresses she'd ever even considered wearing.

"Scouts honor." Harry said, mock-saluting. She rolled her eyes, walking into the changing room. Callista slipped off her jeans and sweater(she hadn't even bothered to wear a t-shirt, that's how tired she was-and this drove Harry crazy, though she didn't know it). With a little bit of maneuvering difficulty, Callista managed to get the dress on. She walked out of the dressing room to see Harry sitting at the bench in front. As soon as his eyes found her, his jaw dropped.

Harry's eyes flitted around the room as he waited for Callista. When she finally came out, he was speechless. She looked perfect. He stood up.

"Well." He said, "I think you need to COME TO HARRY!"

Callista rolled her eyes, "I think I'll pass."

Harry's eyes passed over her exposed skin, making it even harder for him to contain himself.

"I think you need to go change, or else I'm not going to be able to contain myself." Harry smirked, making Callista let out a little sigh.

"One minute. And I'm not buying this." She added, making Harry pout.

"Hurry up, we still have half the store to get through." Harry sang. Callista let out an annoyed huff, walking into her dressing room and beginning to take the dress off. But as she tried to get the zipper off, it got stuck. After one, two and the three tries, she called,


"Have you changed your mind about the dress darling?" He teased from outside.

"The zipper's stuck." She said, and heard his footsteps.

"Open the door." He said, but then another voice cut in,

"Sir, you can't go inside." A woman's voice cut in, who Callista assumed was someone who worked there.

"Uh, my girlfriend's zipper is stuck. Can I help her get out of the dress and then come back outside." Harry asked. The woman paused, thinking.

"Fine." She said, "But I want no funny business, alright?"

"Yeah, sure. Thank you." Harry said. Callista opened the door and saw Harry waiting for her.

"So your zipper's stuck?" He said, smiling. She rolled her eyes.

"Just help me get the dress off." She ordered, and Harry smiled, kissing her cheek,

Beautiful//h.s AUWhere stories live. Discover now