8:29 pm

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brendon's arm was slung around ryan's shoulder, as they sat in the back of brendon's truck. their food garbage sat infront of them in a pile, ryan scrunching up his legs to his chest, not wanting his feet to touch the trash. ryan enjoyed sitting there with brendon, he never thought that his first date would end up in an empty outlet mall parking lot; but he wouldn't have it any other way. his head rested against (lmao so many geese just flew by my window) brendon's shoulder as they listened to the radio from inside brendon's car. some mishaps a long the way, but who cares?

brendon sat beside him defeated, he ruined the date, my accidentally getting ice cream on his dates black pants and telling unfunny jokes, he was just so nervous, ryan made him so nervous. he wanted to impress ryan, but he felt that he missed his shot at being anything more than a friend with him. he tried so hard to play it off as cool and not look so jittery, but failed miserably

"i'm sorry..." brendon said disappointed in himself, ryan didn't react much, still enjoying his time and staring at the stars, "for?" was all he replied with. "ruining this date." that's what got ryan's attention, ruin? this is the best thing i've done in years. "how'd you ruin it?" ryan asked, his head now turned so he could face brendon. "i spilled ice cream on you! and i told really bad jokes! i'm sure i did other stuff that i didn't notice but i did it nonetheless-" ryan cut brendon off by slightly slapping his cheek so he'd stop talking, then smiling at him. "shut up, you goof." he said, soon pressing his lips to brendon's once he changed his position. "this is the best night i've had in a long time, you couldn't ruin this even if you tried." brendon's face busted into a huge smile, he adored the boy in front of him. ryan then sat in brendon's lap wanting to be more comfortable. he blushed as brendon cautiously placed a hand on his thigh, not wanting to push his limits.

"i've had a really good time, even if you spilled ice cream on me, it comes out. and i love your dumb jokes you dork. i was just waiting for you to kiss me." ryan admitted shyly as he rested his hands on brendon's neck, trying his best not to hide his face in brendon's neck because of how he was looking at him.

brendon was taking in every feature on ryan's face, the freckles that hid under his skin, barely peeking through. he admired the shape of his lips and how his bottom lip was larger than his top, how his eye lashes brushed the top of his cheeks when he blinked and slept, he was eternally beautiful, wether his looks faded, ryan (in brendon's eyes) will forever be beautiful and sweet, his kiss will always taste like honey and his heart will always be gold, brendon was sure of it. how brendon wished he could taste ryan all the time, but for now he'll take him in small doses.

he leaned up and gently pressed his lips to ryan's, tasting nothing but pure sugar, he savoured it. making ryan giggle as brendon kept leaning in for small kisses, not letting ryan get away. "i adore you."

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