Colby Brock - Meeting Him

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AN- Hey guys welcome to my first book and first story, please feel free to message me of you would like a story written for you about any of the boys and what the scenarios are.
I hope you guys like the  book and feed back is greatly appreciated.

You had recently moved to los angles from Texas, Dallas Texas you recently become big from doing YouTube videos and decided that it would be a god idea to move out to LA to be able to collaborate with other YouTubers.

You move into your new apartment, with your best friend Ashley  you settled in nicely and got on well with the neighbours, it was getting late so you sit on the sofa and check you email to see an email from some guys called Sam and Colby asking to collaborate with you, you google the guys to see if it was legit and immediately caught sight of Colby and his bright blue eyes.

You reply back to the email saying that you would love to collaborate with them and when would be the best time and place to film, almost immediately an email was sent back asking if you were about tomorrow to film at the boys house, the address was below, you emailed back agreeing and then emailed your number and got a text straight away.

Unknown- Hey it's Colby , I can't wait to meet you and film tomorrow :) x
You- Hey Colby, me to I'll be there around 12, see you tomorrow :) x
You saved Colby's number into your phone and went to bed.

You woke up the next morning around 9 and decide to get the camera and everything ready you had a shower and picked a nice outfit which was shorts a blue crop top and some white supras, you put on some light makeup and straighten your long blonde hair.

It was now 11.15 so you decided to jump in the car and drive to Walgreens and grab a bag of sour patch kids and some Swedish fish candy to take over there, once done you drive to the address you were given and pulled up at this large mansion with some nice cars outside.

You get out your car and knock on the door and a blonde boy opens the door and smiles.
"You must be Y/N?!, come on in"  The blonde boy questions while smiling and gesturing you in.
"Thank you" you saying while walking in "I got you guys some candy, I didn't know what to bring" you chuckled.

Sam chuckles along while walking to the back room with you.

"So I'm Sam and this is Colby " sam gestures to Colby while he turn around.

"Nice to meet yo..." you and Colby say at the same time cutting each other off and nervously chuckle while Colby scratches the back of his neck , you hold out your hand for him to shake.

He stares at you for a bit and and you both don't release from the hand shake.

Sam coughs awkwardly and you and Colby jump back to reality
"Anyways shall me start the YouTube Video" Colby says while clapping his hands.
All 3 of you sit of the sofa with Colby on one side and sam on the other.

"What up guys it sam and Colby  and today we have a very special guest her name is Y/N"

To be continued?.......

Sam and Colby + Household Imagines (Requests are Closed!!)Where stories live. Discover now