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You were new to Hollywood you had only been there a few month, you'd finally got your apartment settle, and we're finally ready for auditions and studio time,you made friend with a girl called Katrina at the studio and who take shopping trips and lunch dates and you had met her boyfriend Sam to and you all got on really well.

One day while out for lunch with sam and Kat, sam said that they were having a party and invited me to come , I accepted great chance to make some new friend, Kat said she wanted me to meet her and Sam friend Colby.

You were excited for tonight, once finished you waved off sam and Kat and made your way to your apartment to get ready, nothing to dressy as it's just a house party you straighten your long Hair and apply your makeup focusing on your eyes.

You were excited for tonight, once finished you waved off sam and Kat and made your way to your apartment to get ready, nothing to dressy as it's just a house party you straighten your long Hair and apply your makeup focusing on your eyes

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Once ready you text Kat to say you were on your way, she said you could spend then night, you parked up and jumped out , you called Kat to say you were outside, she came out to meet you

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Once ready you text Kat to say you were on your way, she said you could spend then night, you parked up and jumped out , you called Kat to say you were outside, she came out to meet you

" omg Y/N you look amazing " she says

"Omg you do too thank you, I'm kinda nervous I don't know why first Hollywood party " you laugh nervously

" your be fine everyone that's here is so welcoming they were with me"she laughs grabbing your hand and leading you into the house

Music blaring and light flashing you make your way to the kitchen to get a drink , you walk round the corner to see sam talk to a talk darker haired boy, he sees you and waves for you to come over.

You and Kat walk over you give sam a hug and smile at the other guy standing with him

"Y/n this is Colby I was telling you about" she tells you

"Right Colby hey heard good things about you nice to meet you" you smile

"Yeah you too" he blushes a little

Sam and Kat then decide they wanna dance and disappears quickly leaving you with Colby

" so Kat tell me you only moved here a few months ago, where were you before?" He asks

"New Orleans, sam said your both from Kansas , I've always wanted to visit there" you say

"Ahh well maybe one day" he smiles at you

You down your drink then pour yourself another one , you also pour Colby one , you talk for a little more laughing and joking

" Do you maybe want to dance ?" You asked Colby

Colby's face light up and he nods, you take his hand and head to the living room where everyone else is dancing, you see Kat and she winks at you and you playfully roll your eyes.

You and Colby dance for a little while longer , getting closer and closer, he then whispers in your ear

"You look amazing by the way" he says while stroking your cheek, you blush and look away.

Your decided you had enough of dancing and sat on the sofa with Colby and continued to talk, shortly after you ended up kissing.

In no time the party had finished, and mostly everyone had left but you were still talking to Colby on the sofa , sam and Kat said goodnight and so did everyone else

"So where are you sleeping tonight?" He asks

"Erm this sofa I think" you say unsure

"Hey no you stay in my bed tonight and I'll sleep on the sofa in my room" he says

" are you sure I don't want to kick your out of your own bed" your say shyly

" it's no problem at all, come on let go up" he says taking your hand and leading you up the stairs to his room

You got into his room, he gave you a shirt to wear to bed and he grabbed extra sheets for himself on the sofa, you climb into bed and lay there for a while.

About 20 minutes go by and you can't sleep, you weren't sure why

"Colby.... you awake?" You whisper

"Can't sleep either ahh? " he asked

"No, Colby will you come and lay with me ?" You ask nervously

Colby sits up and looks over at you

"Are you sure y/n , I don't want you to think I'm trying anything" he says

"I'm sure it might help us sleep" you say and hold your arm out for him to take

He walks over and gets in the bed and pulls the cover over him, you turn to face him, you both look into each other's eyes, Colby as light around his room, so it wasn't completely dark, you decided to kiss him.

He then kissed you back and deepened the kiss, he didn't want it to go further right then as your were both drunk, one you were both done kissing you laid on his chest and cuddled into him and you both fell asleep.

Next morning you could here people talking , you feel movement near you, you and Colby start to wake and let your eyes adjust to the light , look up to see sam and Kat , at the end of the bed smiling, with there phones out

" omg , they got together, this is so cute, I ship this so hard" she shrieks

"Guys nothing happened can you get out now we will be down soon and talk about this but right now we both need more sleep" Colby said

You just looked up at Kat ,out your thumbs up and smiled , she knew she would get all the gossip at another time.

****I am so sorry it has been sooo long, but I'm getting my inspiration back now ***
Is your were to get with Colby what would your ship name be , mine would be JOLBY or COSIE 😂
Shall I do a part 2 to this ????


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