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Your a friend of sam and Colby's and they asked Elton if they could bring you along for one of his tfil video, he agreed he met you before a few times and had liked you from the minute he met you,and you to him, Colby knew that you like Elton hence why he asked you to come, sam knew that Elton like you, so It's was the boys plan to get you together.

You were all going to an amusement park over night, it was you, Elton, sam, Colby and Corey,we arrive at the park while it was still day light and used the park as normal, going on ride and playing games, Elton had won on a game and won a teddy and he gave it to you, you blushed as It's was so sweet.

Sam and Colby gave Elton and you said the look , like you two are gonna get it on, (you know the look the wriggling eyebrow and smirking one) you both laughed and continued walking, It's was now dark and the park was shutting down, It's was time to hide

"Me and Colby are going to hide over there, It's big enough for the two of us, you guys try the water park, we will meet up soon" sam said pointing at you and Elton

You and Elton look at each other and run to the water park, Elton helps you over the fence, but you fall and land on top of him, your face goes red but you both laugh and get off of him, you run to your hiding place out of breath, Elton just stares at you

"What have I got mud on my face ?"you say wiping your face

"No it's just I need to do something"Elton leans in a kisses you

You were shocked at first but kissed back pretty quickly, you pulled apart

"I've wanted to do that for so long" Elton said still holding you

"Me to" you blushed

You kissed again and then you could here sam and Colby laughing

"Hehehe I knew when I saw them fall they would do it it ahahahah" Colby shouted from up above them

"Colby they are just kissing, not doing it " sam said giggling

"Shut up guys"you shouted while hiding your head in Elton's neck

How cute is this, please keep voting and commenting I really appreciate it

Who would you like to kiss out of all the boys ? Let me know in the comments

I thinking of doing a Q&A , so ask me some questions , anything you like no subject is off limits


Sam and Colby + Household Imagines (Requests are Closed!!)Where stories live. Discover now