Jake - You Left Me - Part 2

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This is part 2 to you left me - enjoy 😊

It had been about a week or so since you first arrived in California and realised that your ex Jake lived with your new boyfriend Colby, they hadn't spoken properly since and you felt kind of bad, you were out most of the day with Colby when he wasn't filming with sam.

You were in Colby's room when you got thirsty and decided to go get a drink from the kitchen, Colby and the others were out film so you thought the coast was clear.

While getting a drink you hear foot step you turn round to see Jake's new girlfriend Tara, you had said hello to her a few time while passing in the house, but never stopped to talk.

"Hi, y/n you ok?" Tara asked

Jake had told Tara about what he did to you and she had a go at him for treating a girl like that.

"Hey Tara, I'm ok you?" You smile

"I'm great just coming to make a snack, so.... Jake told me about what he did to you" she says slowly

You scrunch your eyes together knowing this is knowing going to be awkward

"Look Tara, I'm not .."you started to say

"Hey I had a huge go at him, no women should be treated like that, especially not someone as awesome as you" she smiled at you

You almost teamed up at this

" wow thank you Tara, you really are amazing, I think as long as it's ok with you, about talking to Jake and clearing thinks up and making sure him and Colby Be Ok together again"

While you and Tara were talking colby walked in and hid round the corner

"Sure I would love for us 4 to be able to do everything together "she tells you

"I just want you to know I don't want Jake back ever, I don't look at him as anything like that now, I love Colby now" as you said this you heard someone behind you

You turn around and see Colby with a big smile on his face

"I'm just gonna go I'll see you soon " Tara runs off up stairs

" you love me ?" Colby asks

You just smile and nod and cover you face as you felt embarrassed

You felt arms go around you and a kiss on your head

"I love you too" he whispers in your ear, you look up and kiss him.

He picks you up and spins you around

"I'm gonna go take and shower and we can watch a movie in a little bit ok and you can go and talk to Jake ok?"he kisses you again

He goes to take a shower and Jake comes down

"Hey y/n , Tara said you were ready to talk" he asks shyly

"Yes , did u wanna go for a walk?"You ask

" Sure" he smiled

You walk for a little bit

"Look y/n I'm so sorry I just up and left I was an idiot and immature, I have no accuses for what I did to you, I just hope you can forgive me at some point" he starts to tear up

This made you tear up to you wiped away your tear

"Look jake I was hurt for a long time, never thought I would love again, but now I have Colby it's different I didn't feel this way with you , I love Colby and I forgive you, I'd rather us go back to the way we were before we were together , when we were best friends, I'm so glad you have Tara she is amazing and a more perfect fit for you then I ever was, I now see that we were never meant to be and I'm ok with that" you smile

You give Jake a hug

"I'd like us to be friend too, and thank you, you really are amazing"he chuckles

You both walk back into the house to see Tara and Colby in the kitchen talking , you walk up to Colby and hug him and Jake kisses Tara

You all smile at each other

"So whose up for a double date tonight" Tara asks excited

You nod quickly and run off to get ready with Tara

"So everything's sorted ? Colby asked Jake

"Yes all sorted, and bro I'm happy she has you, you really do match perfectly"

They both bro hug and make there way to there room to get ready

As we all know Colby takes forever to get ready!! 😂

I hope you guys love part 2,

Please let me know what you thought and whether you liked it

Like and comment it's greatly appreciated 💙❤️💙❤️💙❤️💙❤️

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