Elton - Your pregnant

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You had been with Elton for a few years  and live with him at the house with everyone else, recently you had come over quite Ill, you had been throwing up loads and just being tired all the time.

One day all the boys were out filming and it was just you and Devyn , Corey's girlfriend, she notice how often you were running to the toilet and came to check on you.

"Hey ... Y/N are you okay?" Devyn call through the door

"Yeah I'll be fine I just hope this stops soon" you whimper

"Hey can I come in?" Devyn asks

"Sure it's not pleasant though"you tell her

The door opens and devyn walks in and kneels beside you.

"I think you should take this" she tells you handing you a pregnancy test

You look at her confused but after thinking about it , you were late, you take the test and wait for the results , timer goes off and you check, it's positive.

Devyn starts to jump about clapping  and cheering, you stood there in absolute shock, Devyn grabs your shoulders

"Your gonna be fine but you need to tell elton" she tells you

" I will as soon as he's home" you smile starting to get a little excited

You hug Devyn and go back to your room that you share with Elton, and play on your phone.

Not long after Elton arrived home and came up to his room said hello and kissed you and went for a shower, when he came out the shower he came over and gave you a hug

"Elton I need to tell you something" you tell him nervously

" what's up?" He asks

" erm.... your ... I'm" you struggle to get it out

" hey tell me?" He ask while touching your face

You start to tear up

" I'm... pregnant Elton, your going to be a dad" you tell him while a tear rolls down your eyes

Elton sat there in silence but then turn to you and kissed you hard

" I'm gonna be a dad?" He said excitedly and smiling

You just nodded and chuckled while happy crying , Elton runs through the house to the guys

" sam, Colby , Aaron, Corey , Devyn come out here!!!" Elton shouts while running through the house

"What's up ?!" Colby yells

They all gather it the living room  and you and Elton are standing together Devyn was already jumping with excitement but tried to contain it

"Guys I'm going to be a dad, and no this is not a prank , IM GONNA BE A DAD!!" Elton start jumping up and down

"Omg" Corey yells jumping up

Every comes into a group hug and celebrate

"He no longer uncle Elton or even cousin Elton , he's daddy Elton now " Corey shouts while smirking

Everyone celebrate for the rest of the night.

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