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You and your best friend had got on a plane heading from California to Kansas, you grew up in Kansas and moved out with Casey when you were 18 and all the way to California to pursue a career in acting and singing, you were both going home to see family as you hadn't been home in mouths it was well over due.

You both boarded the plane and took your seats  and waited for everyone else to board, you saw two boys walking towards where you were sitting, one had brown hair and stunning blue eyes and the other was blonde with cute blue eyes to, they sat beside you and smiled.

"Hey" the brown haired guy smiled

"Hey" you smiled back

Once everyone was board they showed you the safety procedures and then told everyone to prepare for take off, you hated flighting so your shut your eyes and held tightly to the chair, the plane took off and the brown hair boy notice what you were doing

"Scared of flighting ha?" He asked you looked at him and nodded

"Here I'll help take your mind off it , I'm Colby" he smiled and held out his hand

You shock it and immediately took it back

"Sorry sweaty palms , gross, I'm y/n and this is my bf Cami" you point to cami who waved

"Nice to meet you both and oh this is sam" Colby said

Pointing to sam

"Hey girls heading to Kansas"sam asked

"Well obviously haha" Cami giggled

Sam laughed while mentally face palming himself for such a silly question, a little bit into the flight you and Colby has spoken none stop about where you were from and what you both do, you were both literally infatuated with each other.

"I hope you don't think this is to forward but do you think maybe I could get your number and maybe we could meet again when were in Kansas ?" He asks nervously

"Of course I love that" you smile

You exchange numbers and decided you wanted to sleep for a little bit, when you woke up you realised you had fallen sleep on Colby's shoulder and he had rest his head on yours, you start to stir and he wakes up too

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to sleep on you" you blush

" it's okay you don't fidget to much so it didn't bother me"Colby laughed

The plane lands and everyone starts to collect there stuff

" hey Colby it was nice to meet you and I'll see you soon for coffee?" You ask

"You to and sure y/n it's a date" he winks and walks off

What you hadn't realised is that while you were asleep together sam had taken a picture of you both and posted it online saying how cute you both were

You started to get bombard with notifications and message, you realised what had happen and blushed at the picture.

You didn't know where this was going to go but all you knew was you couldn't wait to see Colby again.

You didn't know where this was going to go but all you knew was you couldn't wait to see Colby again

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Samgolbach- How Cute is @Colby_Brock and @Y/Nusername💙 I ship it

👤colby_brock, Y/Nusername

BrennanTaylor, BigNik, CoreyS, 15k Likes

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