1. Bosnia, Summer 1348

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Elizabeta sat underneath a tree near a pond.  She was looking through a richly illuminated book that was a gift to her from the king's mother.  Her companion, Theodora stood behind her brushing her long, dark hair.  

"Is it true, Elizabeta, what they say about that pestilence that is on the rise further east?"  

"Yes it is, Thea.  But we are safe here.  That is far away and will probably never reach Bosnia."  

Elizabeta pushed up her sleeves.  "How did you get that bruise?" Theodora said pointing to her upper arm.  

"Sword fighting with Tvrtko, like always.  He really hit me hard this time!"  

Theodora laughed.  "Oh Elizabeta, I find it quite funny how you enjoy feminine pursuits, but like to sword fight with your cousin at the same time!"  

"Yes, I can't sword fight with him forever.  He is already starting to overpower me.  At least those swords are just wood!"  Elizabeta sighed and tossed the book aside.  "The Queen Mother of Hungary ought to know that I can't read or speak Latin.  I think she just sent this book to me for the pretty illuminations."   

The two girls giggled for a second, but then their conversation was interrupted by a loud rustle through the grass.  "By God!" a boy cried.  

Spooked, Theodora dropped the brush.  Elizabeta looked up and saw Tvrtko standing before her.  

"A messenger has just ridden in from the coastal port of Dubrovnik!  A ship coming from the east has delivered the pestilence there.  People down there are dropping like flies, the messenger says that he thinks dozens have died so far.  It might also be infecting the other coastal towns too."  

"But Tvrtko," said Elizabeta.  "We are nobles.  I would not worry about catching it."

"Maybe." said Tvrtko.  "But I heard some noblemen have contracted it too.  The messenger said it infects indiscriminately.  It doesn't matter how old or young, sickly or healthy, nor rich or poor you are, it is killing us all!"  


Tvrtko was right.  The pestilence was indeed closing in on Bosnia.  That July, Ban Stephen sent his daughter, nieces and nephews to a remote fortress with a company to attend them which included his sister-in-law, Jelena and some hand-picked companions for the children, such as Theodora.  The children and their attendants could not leave the fortress until the pestilence passed.  Certain people could enter the fortress, but could not come in contact with the children unless they were physicians.  Meanwhile, Stephen tried to make his own court as secure as he could against this new invader that no weapon could stop.                       


The wagons were loaded.  The carriages were lined up, all bearing the Kotromanic crest.  Stephen walked his daughter to her carriage.  

"Be safe out there, Beta.  Listen to everything Ursula and Aunt Jelena say."

Elizabeta never liked being called by the pet name, Beta, but she ran to her father and embraced him.  She then looked up at him with her deep-brown eyes.  "I love you, Papa." she said quietly.  

"I love you too."  He responded.

Stephen then helped his daughter up into the carriage.  He then turned to Ursula, and put his hand on hers.  "She is worth way more than the most precious diamonds and jewels.  Take good care of her.  She is my only one.  She is all that I've got."         

They reached the fortress at nightfall.  Ursula showed Elizabeta up to her chamber.  It was much plainer than she'd expected: two beds with no hangings, a small window, a chamber pot in the corner, and a simple wooden table with a washing basin.  There was a small fireplace in the wall to keep the room warm, and no tapestries graced its stone walls.  

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