7. Buda, February 1353

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     A messenger ran into the throne room. He wore the arms of Bohemia. "I have an urgent message from his Grace, King Karl of Bohemia." he said.

"Tell it to me." said Lajos.

"Karl's wife, Queen Anna of Bohemia has died on the second day of this month." He paused for a moment, and then said, "is Lady Anna of Swidnica still available?"


     Elzbieta went to the chapel, said a prayer for the soul of the recently deceased Queen of Bohemia, and then called Anna into her chambers. Her servants found Anna with Elizabeta near the stables about to go riding. When Anna was called, she expressed her frustration about the interruption. Elizabeta followed Anna back to the queen's chambers. Once they got there, Elizabeta was asked to wait outside. Anna walked in and curtsied to Elzbieta. The queen gestured for Anna to sit at a small table with her.

"You are to be married." Elzbieta said.

"To whom?" asked Anna.

"King Karl of Bohemia. His wife died suddenly a couple of weeks ago. He has no son to carry on his dynasty and wants to marry as soon as the mourning period is over- in May."

     Anna felt her throat tighten. She was to marry a king- but he was twice a widower and old enough to be her father. She knew however, that it was her duty. "Yes, your Grace." she said. She then looked around. She had only three months to prepare for her wedding. She never expected that things would be decided as quick as this.

When Anna left the chamber, she saw Elizabeta waiting for her, patiently. "I'm to marry the King of Bohemia in May." she said, still surprised.

"Did his wife die?" asked Elizabeta.

"Yes. Just a couple of weeks ago."

"And he wants to marry you as soon as possible? He must be desperate. How did his wife die?"

"They did not say. I hope it wasn't childbirth." Anna looked worried. "You are lucky that Lajos is ten years younger than Karl, and is not desperate for heirs at the moment. Karl wants to marry me immediately. I'm worried now. Maybe it would have been better marrying his son."

"But his son is dead now. I'm sure he won't rush you into childbirth. I'm sure he will see that you are still young, and won't push you before you are ready. He wants healthy children after all."

"I'll pray to God that he is not that desperate for a son." said Anna. 

     Elizabeta and Anna once again went down to the stables, and took their horses out riding. Amazingly, it seemed to take Anna's mind off of the news she just heard. The girls rode with their hair blowing loose behind them. They were fourteen and their girlhood was coming to an end. They wanted to soak up every moment they had left before they found themselves in the marriage bed.


Buda, May 1353

     The court was preparing for two weddings. The first one would be the wedding of Karl of Bohemia and Anna. Even though this would not be a wedding of their ruler, the court officials still knew that this would be a king's wedding and they had to make it as grand as possible.

     They city of Buda was bustling with guests. Karl brought his entire household with him, knights, servants, and all. Many German princes and noblemen also came to Buda to see their liege lord's wedding. Among them were the Habsburgs and the Wittelsbachs, the two most important families in the Holy Roman Empire, behind Karl's family, the Luxembourg's.  Among the German nobles were Count Ulrich von Helfenstein, and his wife of one year, Maria Kotromanic.

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