14. The Imperial Visit

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Visegrad, April 1357

The court was rushing to prepare for the Emperor's visit.  They were preparing rooms for the Emperor and his court and making sure there was room for the horses in the stables.  Karl had not visited Hungary since he was crowned Emperor two years ago.  Elizabeta was looking forward to this visit, because Anna would be there too.    

Elizabeta had not seen Anna in the nearly four years since their marriages.  She wrote to her often, however, and her and Anna were on an active correspondence.  No two queens communicated with each other as often as them. 

When Anna rode into the courtyard alongside Karl, Elizabeta hardly recognized her.  In these past few years, she had grown tall.  She had a proud look about her, and when she dismounted, she was as graceful as a swan.  She wore a frilly headdress, with a golden travel crown on top.  Over her slim, fine figure she wore a green dress embroidered with gold thread that fit her perfectly.  Karl stepped beside her, and the two walked to the door hand in hand.  Anna walked gracefully, the back of her dress trailing behind her.  She looked like a true Empress.    

Elizabeta, Lajos, and Elzbieta were standing at the entry way ready to greet them.  Elzbieta, joyed to see this girl she helped raise, took Anna into a tight embrace.  She was taller than her now.  "You have grown into such a beautiful empress."  she said.  

Next, Anna moved on to Elizabeta.  She was taller than her too.  Next to Anna, in flashy clothes which added to her dazzling beauty, Elizabeta felt as plain as a milk maid.  She wore her best dress and knew that she was beautiful, but no one out-shined Anna.  With the highest title- Holy Roman Empress, and her exceptional beauty, she was hard to compete with.  Nevertheless, Elizabeta was joyful to see Anna, and greeted her as a true friend.  

"I have missed you very much." said Elizabeta.

"So have I." said Anna.  

Elizabeta looked Anna over.  "I see these past years have treated you well."

"Mostly." said Anna.  "It was a long road to and from Rome.  And still no children."  

"No children for me either."  said Elizabeta.  

The two eighteen-year-old queens looked at each other with understanding.  In the several years that they have been married, neither one of them had conceived.  They were still very young, but their families were hoping that the sooner motherhood would come to them the better.  Especially Elzbieta.  By the time she was their age, she had already had a child, even though it lived only a few weeks.  But when she was a year older that them, she had her second, and would bear three sons in quick succession.  Hopefully this would happen to these two young queens too.        


That night, after a big feast, Elzbieta gathered Lajos, Elizabeta, Anna and Karl together in her chamber.

"Karl and I have decided to make a pilgrimage to Aachen next month, and I would appreciate it if you all could join us."  said Elzbieta.

Anna smiled.  "I will gladly go, your Grace." she said. 

Lajos and Elzbieta looked at each other with uncertainty.

"I am taking the court to Croatia this summer, and Elizabeta wants to come too.  I need her there as well.  I feel like her presence will make Ban Tvrtko hand over her dowry."   

"He has a dowry for her?" Elzbieta was surprised.  When the old ban died, it became clear that this marriage would bring no dowry.  

"There is a corner of Bosnia called the Hum.  It has been detached from Bosnia before, so it can be detached again.  I have decided that this will be my wife's dowry."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 23 ⏰

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