3. Bosnia, September 1350

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     Elizabeta's cousin Maria, was the closest girl in age to her in the family, just a year-and-a-half older than her.  Since losing Theodora, Elizabeta now told Maria all of her secrets.  Vladislaus, Elizabeta's uncle, and Maria's father, had agreed with his brother, Ban Stephen, when the time came, Maria could accompany Elizabeta to the Hungarian court. 

"Living with the Hungarian royal family sure sounds fun."  Elizabeta said to her cousin one evening.  "It must be difficult to be involved in their schemes, but they experience all of the action.  Nothing much happens here at father's court."             

"After all, they are from the great Capetian-Angevin dynasty." Maria said.  "If there will be one dynasty who will one day rule every kingdom in Christendom, it's them."  

"True." said Elizabeta.  "There's the Hungarian branch, which of course, rules Hungary, and three other branches, all ruling distinct places, from Italy to the Greek Islands.  One day that dynasty will produce enough sons to take over the world!"  

"But the Neapolitan branch has already died out in the male line."  Maria said.  "Maybe this great dynasty will one day meet it's end too, like the great Arpadians that ruled Hungary before them."

"Yes. The branch that rules the kingdom where they started from.  A woman sits on the throne of Naples.  Speaking of which- King Lajos planned on marrying her sister this summer."  

"To settle the conflicts between him and the Queen of Naples?" Maria asked.

"Maybe." said Elizabeta.  "But more likely he was plotting to depose Queen Johanna, and claim to crown of Naples though his new wife."

"I remember hearing of the strife between King Lajos and Queen Johanna.  The King's brother, who was married to Johanna of Naples was killed, right?"  

"Yes, we all know that story."  The girls looked up to see Tvrtko emerge from behind a tree.  "The Angevin's- what an interesting and complex dynasty."  he said.  Grabbing a twig off of the ground, Tvrtko began drawing something in the gravel.  "If you plan on living at their court, you need to know all about them.  Listen to me- I have been told all about them."  

Tvrtko drew a crude figure of some kings and queens in the gravel.  "I want to start way back in the year of our Lord, 1290.  That year, King Ladislaus IV of Hungary was assassinated, leaving no children."  He drew an X over the figure of King Ladislaus.  "As you have heard, he had no brothers, but four sisters.  His sister, Maria, was married to the king of Naples, the only one of his sisters to be married into a Catholic country.  Since Hungary is a Catholic country, the obvious choice was her eldest son, Carlo, the grandfather of our current King Lajos."  

"Why one of her sons, rather than the Queen of Naples herself?" Maria asked.

"Because Hungary was not willing to accept female rule.  Anyways, Carlo tried to claim Hungary, and Croatia acknowledged him as their king, but his last remaining Arpadian cousin became King of Hungary instead.  Carlo died fairly young soon after, both of his parents outliving him, so he never became King of Naples either."  Tvrtko crossed out the figure representing Carlo.  "His son another Carlo, should of been heir to Naples, but because of his youth, his succession rights where passed over by his grandfather who was fearing invasion.  The King's second son, refused to give up his holy vows, and the third son, Roberto became the new heir to Naples." 

Tvrtko now focused his attention on the kingly figures representing Roberto and the younger Carlo.  "Well, one day, this Carlo finally fulfilled his father's dreams, and became the undisputed king of Hungary.  But he always believed that Naples was his by right too.  Eventually, his uncle, Roberto, now King of Naples, had some succession concerns of his own.  His only son had died, just leaving behind a little girl, Johanna, and a pregnant wife.  The people of Naples were praying for a boy to be born, so the Neapolitan branch wouldn't die out, and Naples won't risk falling to Carlo of Hungary.  Alas, Roberto's new grandchild was a girl named Maria.  He had to recognize his oldest grandchild, Johanna, as his heir.  Eventually the two kings arranged a marriage between Johanna and Carlo's second son, Andrew.  The two five-year-olds were married, the boy sent off to Naples, and peace seemed at hand.  Their were even talks of a marriage between Carlo's first son, Lajos, and Johanna's sister, Maria."  

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