8. Buda, June 1353

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     The wedding continued with three days of festivities.  Tournaments were held, and even Lajos participated in some of them.  For those three days, everything seemed perfect, and the whole kingdom was at peace.  If anyone thought that Elizabeta was not a suitable choice for queen, they kept their mouths shut.  But Elizabeta was nervous for what would happen on the third night.  

She was told what she should expect, from the Queen Mother, and even the recently-wed Maria and Anna.  She still knew very little.  Over the past two years, she had gotten to know Lajos.  She first saw him as an authority figure, who she thought she shouldn't be talking to.  Lajos seemed so grown up to her,  and she was worried if she wouldn't meet his expectations that first night.  She was a virgin of fourteen, and Lajos was a grown man of twenty-seven, with experience on the battlefield and in the bedchamber.  He always assured Elizabeta that she pleased him, but would she be able to please him went it came to their marital duty?

Elizabeta was sitting beside the fire, but she was still shivering.  The time for that one fateful night had come.  Ursula was brushing Elizabeta's long, thick, wavy hair.  Her hair had darkened over the years, and was now somewhere between brown and black.        

"I wish my mother were here to tell me what this night would be like." Elizabeta said.  

"Yes, it would be nice to hear about it from her."  Ursula said.  

Elzbieta stood in the corner of the room.  She had a very serious look on her face.  She gave Elizabeta some advice, but was mostly quiet tonight.  Her eyes were on Elizabeta the whole time, hoping that she will prove a dutiful wife.  

Margarete, the wife of Lajos's brother, Istvan, seemed more willing to talk to Elizabeta about the subject.  Unlike Elizabeta though, she was married to a man younger than herself.  Istvan was seven years younger than Margarete.  She remembered how uncertain she felt, when two years ago, her being a mature twenty-five-year-old woman being forced to marry a youth of eighteen.  Fortunately, Margarete and Istvan had turned out to be compatible, and their first child was born last autumn.  

"It will hurt the first time." Margarete said.  "But the pain will go away, and you might even start to enjoy it."

Elizabeta felt herself blush, and a disapproving look appeared on Elzbieta's face.  She was serious tonight, hoping that Elizabeta was not seeking pleasure with her son.

Ursula finished brushing Elizabeta's hair.  Elizabeta stood up, and Ursula pulled off her gown.  Naked, she crawled into the bed.  She sat up, pulled the covers over her, and covered her breasts with her hair.  She was glad to have long, thick, and dark hair, thinking that nothing else would hide her breasts better.  "Ursula, come here." she said.  Ursula came over and hugged her.  She looked at Elizabeta.  She remembered these past fourteen years very clearly.  How could it be that this much time had passed?  She could not believe that this was the last night of Elizabeta's maidenhood.  "All will be well my dear.  I am sure that Lajos will be gentle with you." 

Margarete reached out and grabbed Elizabeta's shoulder.  "All should be well.  Just think of what a joy it will be, being the king's wife!  Just think of your future.  There clearly is a bright future ahead of you."          

Ursula sat beside Elizabeta and held her hand.  She could no longer call herself Elizabeta's "nurse".  Elizabeta was no longer a child. 

Outside, a jumble of men's voices could be heard.  The voices got closer and closer, and once they reached the door, they seemed to stay put there, not moving any further away. A minute ago, it was completely quiet, and now loud, drunken cheers were heard just outside the door.  This must have been Lajos's company accompanying him to the bridal chamber.  Some of the voices could be heard above the others.

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