Chapter 11

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Heres chapter 11 hope you enjoy!!   also posted a picture of cody's wolf on chapter 10.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Cody's pov~~~~~~~~~~~~~

"Show yourself!!"  exclaimed Cody as he started growling and pushed rose behind him as for he was in protective mode knowing if something happened to him mate he couldnt live with himself.

"oh but why, its very fun to hide and surprise the people that arent unexepcting it."  spoke the voice.

he started to growl even louder,  "SHOW YOURSELF!!!!"

they hear a thudding noise behind them as if someone had jumped down.

"MMMM.  looks like a yummy feast for a horse."  Rose spun around and saw Jake.

"NO ONE MESSES WITH MY HORSES!!!!"  she yelled at jake and without realising it she pounced at him and did a parcial shift and clawed him across the face.

"ohh girl, you dont want to mess with me!  you will pay when i return!"  and with that he shifted and jumped through the stable door and disappeared into the woods.

Rose shifted back from the parcial shift and she started to colapse but Cody got to her in time and caught her so she didnt hit the ground. 

he picked her up and took her inside and took her up to her room and laid her on her bed.  after a while he started to feel tired and laid beside her and fell asleep.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Jake's POV~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

walked back onto his territory and he knew the alpha was going to be mad again.  he walked to their pack den.

"Come in Jake i have come up with a plan for you and her mother."

"is that so Alpha?"

"Indeed it is.  heres what you have to do..."

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Rose's POV~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

She woke up a little while later with a pounding headache and went to get up but realized there were strong arms wrapped around her and she smiled knowing it was Cody and rolled over to face him and she saw he was still sleeping.  she ever so lightly picked up his arm and tried to move it but he just tightened his arm around her pulling her closer.

when he opened his eyes he took in everything and it surprised him so much that he jumped back and landed on the floor with a loud thud.

"what was that all about?"  she asked as she looked over the edge at him.

"well i-uhhh didnt mean to uhh hold you like that, it surprised me a little bitthats all."

"just to save you the embarrasment it was actually really comfortable."  she spoke softly as she giggled.  she got up and walked over to him and helped him up onto his feet and only let go of one  hand but kelpt her other hand in his and itertwined her fingers with his then led him to the kitchen so she could get some Ibuprofen for her pounding headache.



"would you umm want to uhh go on a uhh date with me?"

"Yeah.  when?"

"tomorrow at seven, ill be her at six thirty to pick you up."

"ok, whats the style?"

"casual, jeans and a shirt, nothing spacial."


"ok, well i have to go my dad is probable wondering were i have bee-"  RING RING  "thats probably him now."  he answers the phone,  "hello?... yeah im about to be on my way home.... ok see you in a bit.... ok will do. bye."  hangs up cellphone.  "ok well ill see you tomorrow"

"ok see you then."







OOO (hugs i think)


The stable hand is a werewolf and I'm his mate!!Where stories live. Discover now