Chapter 13

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heres chapter 13.


Cody's POV

i woke up as i heard my little sister come in and giggle as she looked at us.

"April, leave the room.  please?"


"SHHHHHH, your going to wake Rose!"  he said with a low growl.

"im sorry."  she looked down at her shoes, "mom said breakfast is done."

"ok we will be down in a few."

"OK!"  April said before she skipped out of the room.


Rose stirred a bit then answered  "hmm?"

"Breakfast is ready."

"ok.  she opened her eyes and found that she was curledreally close to him and she had her arms wrapped around him.

he smiled, "wanna let go so i can dress?"  he asked softly and smiled.  It was as if realization hit her and she recoiled her arm and looked away when she blushed.

~~~~~~~~~~~~Rose's POV~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I felt so embarrased and quickly jumped out of bed only to be pulled back into bed.  my head rested on his lap as i laid on my back looking up at him.  i didnt want to move but i had to because i had to get dressed and i sat up and turned to face him and kissed him on the cheek then stood up and grabbed my clothes and went into the shower.

After i was done i dried off and changed into fresh clothes.  i put on some short blue jean shorts with a fancy like tank top and i looked in the mirror.  when i knew i was do i walked out into the room and saw Cody and walked up to him while he had his back to me and i wrapped my arms around him.

"Ready?"  i asked and stepped back looking him up and down.  i smiled and walked out his room door and followed the smell of breakfast.  "ill race you." i say to Cody

"your on."



and at the same time we shout, " GO!!"

i ran down the stairs and into the kitchen and just as i stoped i looked back and saw cody right behind me.  i looked at him funny then laughed.  I watched as cody went up and grabbed a plate and put two pancakes on it with bacon and eggs.

"help yourself."  said cody's mom

"ok." i walked over and picked up the plate and looked at the food.  i grabbed a plate and put one pancake on it and some bacon and fruit and sat next the cody.

after we ate breakfast i went outside and looked at the makeshift roundpin and smiled wheni saw lucky and i quickly ran over and jumped over the fence and ran up to her wrapping my arms around her.  "hey girl!"  i smiled and when i turned slowly i felt a slight pain in my shoulder.  "CODY!!!"  i screamed his name and then colaped to the ground seeing him running over to me and jump over the fence.

~~~~~~~~~~~~Cody's POV~~~~~~~~~~~~~

i had senced the when Rose went outside and i followed her quickly and just as i get to the door i see an arrow shoot into her.  "MOM COME QUICK ITS ROSE!!" 

i ran outside and rose screamed my name and colaped.  i jumped over the fence and guarded rose.  the horses around up formed a protective sheild around us as if there were a pack of wolves and we were their babies.  it was amazing, the bond the horses had with Rose.  i smiled, she will be a great alpha female.

i saw some of the pack run outside and shifted as they jumped down from the porch and ran into the woods.  in the distance you could hear fighting.  my mom came over and she looked at the wound.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Isabella's POV (cody's mom)~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I looked at roses wound and i knew instantly that it didnt hit anything major and i pulled out the arrow and i looked at cody  "shift the your wolf form."

"why?"  my son asked.

"just do it son."  when he shifted i told him what to do,  "i know this is weird but lick her wound, ill explain later."

"mom thats weird!"

"CODY if you dont want her limping the rest of her life i seggest you do it while its fresh."  he shook his head and licked her wound.  when he stopped he looked at her arm and i did to as we watched it heal instantly.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Cody's POV~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

i watched in awe as her wound healed.  "mom why didnt you do it?"

"i cant, only mates can do that with eachother.  now take Rose inside and put her on the couch."

"ok."  i pick her up and walk into the house and laid Rose on the couch and i laid next to her and held her close.  i fell asleep holding her.

when i woke up it was five o'clock and we had two hours before our date.  "rose?"


"we have two hours before our date, go get ready.  my sister will help you.  Jaz want to come help rose?"

"sure."  rose sits up and then stands up and follows jaz to her room. 

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Rose's POV~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

"i know you dont have clothes and you look like your my size so here."  she grabs out a few summer dresses and lays them out on her bed.  "try these on."

"ok"  i walk into her bathroom and try on one of the dresses and walks out into her room,  "what do you think?"  Jaz shakes her head.

"not that one."

"ok"  i go back into the bathroom.  i show her a few more and they didnt go well with me, and finally i put the last one on, it was a light green color and it made my eyes dot with green.  i walk out into the bedroom.

"omg that looks amazing!!! he will fall down haha."  i laugh myself and knew jaz and i would be close friends.  "now lets do your hair.  well lets just leave it down."

"ok"  i smiled and looked at Jaz and hug her.  "thank you"

"no problem.  now lets get you down there its 6:30"

i walked out of her room and saw cody at the bottem on the stairs and he lefted his head to look up at me and the house went dead silent as i walked down the stairs and i noticed everyone was looking at me and i blushed.






here's a little test, if you can get 10 votes within the next day ill upload two chapters at once.




picture on the side of what Rose looks like after getting ready for the date.

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