The stable hand is a werewolf and I'm his mate!! Chapter 1

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I hope you like this story. First story I'm typing up.


Chapter 1:

I had always had the perfect family.  i had never drempt of loosing any person in my life until a few weeks before my sixth birthday.... i lost someone near and dear to me, fate had chosen a different course for me and my family.  on that day my life changed into something new.

My Past (5 years old)

A small girl with curly blonde hair like her fathers and she was average hight for her age. Her eyes where a bright blue like her mothers eyes.

"mom when will daddy be home??". She asked sweetly.

Her mother responded. "He is at the store".

"mommy he's been gone to long he sh-". She was interupted by the phone ringing.

 Her mom answered it. "hello?..... Yes I am..... Oh dear is he alright??...... Ok we will be there in a few minutes.... Ok bye."

 They drove to the hospital arriving in ten minutes and they rushed into the E.R. My mother had a worried expression on her face as we walked up to the desk to see if we could go see my father but he was still in surgery.

 "mama what's going on?".

       Her mother sat her down on a chair in the waiting room,

       "Rose, your daddy has been shot during a break in at the store, he's in surgery. He will be fine".

      The doctor from the surgery came out and spoke to mom.

      "I'm sorry to say this but your husband died during the surgery". When I heard what the doctor said I ran off and went to the car.

    My best friend who of course was a boy, who is a year older than me and he has brown hair and he had almost pine green eyes, saw me he was curious and came over to me.

    "Rose are you ok?".

    I spoke softly. "no, everything has gone wrong today!".

    "what happened?".

    I looked up at him. "my daddy was killed in a shooting at the store".

   He hugged me. "it will be ok, Rose I promise". 

    "but Jake, he's dead". I cried into his chest as he hugged me.

   "hush it is alright im here for you."  he tried to comfort me but it didnt help very much.

Present day

After that day i also lost my mother to drugs and drinking.

The stable hand is a werewolf and I'm his mate!!Where stories live. Discover now