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Lakshman was sitting under the tree holding the statue of Urmila- his mila!! Ram was meditating and sita was in her heaven- her kitchen.....

Just another few months to go , just another few months for him to meet his Mila.....Lakshman felt a warmth kindling his heart, glowing bigger as each day passed bringing her close to him. But what has he done to her??The pain he has given to her, how much she has suffered because of his decision. The feeling of guilt overpowered Lakshman and tears silently made their way across his cheeks.

He didn't go unnoticed by his bhabhi-Sita. Sita knew what he was going through as only a mother can understand his son's pain...She put her tender hand on Lakshman's shoulders. Lakshman, sensing Sita's presence wiped away his tears n faced Sita with a smile on his face. Lakshman bent down to touch her feet for her blessings n just uttered a sole word, "Maa" . Sita's eyes welled u as this was the first time he called her Maa (mother) .

S:- I wanna tell u something, Lakshman.....i think now its the time!!

L(puzzled):- Yeah Bhabhi, Sure!

Both of them sat under the tree in front of their cottage.

S:- Lakshman, first of all don't lie to tell me, why did u have tears in ur eyes? Not just for one say in these thirteen(13) years , I have seen tears in ur eyes. Then, what happened now??? Just few months, Laksh, Then Urmi will be with u ......

L:- I know Bhabhi , Its just......Nothing!!!

S(sternly):- Lakshman, I said don't lie to me....

L(burst out):-Bhabhi, I m not worthy of her. She stood brave through the tragedies- strong, stable n dependable like a fierce lioness protecting the family. Playing the roles of the dutiful daughter n wife n what I did???(choked) I....I just gave her bundles of sorrows in return...Bhabhi I m her sinner , she will hate me for this!!!!

Sita was dumbstruck. She couldn't believe her ears. There was a lot going in Lakshman's mind. She had to calm him down. Sita gave him a small, sad smile...

S:- Lakshman, why are u doing this to urself???? Why are punishing yourself for the offence u haven't done??Urmi understands Lakshman...

L:- But bhabhi...

S(cut in):- Lakshman, u know what Urmi told me when we were coming here..

S(cut  in):-  Lakshman, u know  what  Urmi  told me  when  we  were  coming  here

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Wanna  know  what????  Then,.  wait  for  next part!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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