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Laksh:- "bharat bhaiya, come outside" 

"No, i won't " , Bharat replied between sobs

Laksh(L):- Come outside, right now! 

Bharat(B):- No, i won't

L:- Oh you will...just wait and watch!

B:- Nothing can change my whatever you want

L:- You sure about that?(Laksh said raising his eyebrow)

B:- Yes! Very much!

L(yelling):- Ram bhaiya..he is saying he won't come out even if you, yourself ask him to do so!

Bharat came out of bed in a second...wiping his tears he said

"No can i ever disobey you!? He is such a liar!"

L:- That wasn't a lie ...that was a trick. I told will come out "laughs"

B(highly irritated):- You little devil!!

L(smirking):- You, fat horse..

"Lakshman, keep quiet ! Stop troubling my bharat" Ram said putting his hand on bharat's shoulder.

"Your Bharat!" Lakshman said pouting.

"I can smell something burning, Laksh" Ram said giggling. 

Bharat gave Laksh that " I am the favourite" kind of look. To which Laksh responded with a naughty smile.

"No bhaiya, why would i be jealous!? You can love him..for few more days! Then he will be farr farr away in kaikeya!...ALONE!" 

Bharat's eyes widened. His face dropped once again. ALONE! The realisation shook him from within.

"See bhaiya, he keeps saying that. Tell him..tell him na that you won't let me will talk to Maa about it." Cried Bharat

R:-"Bharat, i have already talked to Maa..but she is adamant about it"

B:- Then, so am I bhaiya. I won't go..I won't leave you all"

L:- Ahaan...look at that firmness but alas, one order from Badi maa and you will be straight to kaikeya..."laughs"

B:- Lakshman, you really hate me right? You just want me away right? I will go myself...i am surprised that you are so happy to let go of your brother.

Laksh looked away...tears forming in his eyes.

L:- "yes!"

R:- Bharat! Lakshman! Will you guys waste these few days fighting too? 

He was cut in by a maid

Maid:- Rajkumar Ram, Maharaja is calling you.

Looking at them, 

R:- " i have to go , i will talk to dad about it..stop being kids. Shatrughan make sure that they don't fight

S:- Ji bhaiya..

"Bharat bhaiya, Lakshman bhaiya...did you listen to what bade bhaiya said ? No fighting!"

"Bharat bhaiya, how will i live without you here? Said Shatrughan teary eyed.

B:- Shatru, my brother, i love you so will be really difficult for me too.

He enveloped him in a crushing hug.

L:- "And what about me? Yes, i tease you ...yes, i don't know how to show my emotions..but still i deserve a hug too Ashva.."

Lakshman joined the hug. 

B:- Laksh, Maa says nobody can defeat you in arguments. Plus you are my extremely cute and caring brother, right?

Shatrughan smiled knowing what Bharat wanted to say.

L:- Stop it...stop that thought right away!

B:- Which thought?

L:- That i will talk to badi maa to stop you from going to kaikeya.

B:- do u know i was thinking that? "widens his eyes"

L(keeping his hand on bharat's shoulder):- Because, I am your extremely cute and caring brother."winks"

Shatrughan burst out laughing. And so did Laksh and bharat.

B:- but why, don't you want me to stay? Please talk to her once.

L:- And what made you think that i will wait for you to tell me this? I was there only the whole day, constantly asking her but she used to smile and say "Get lost is not working ." 

Laksh pouted.

"Then, that's it...i will have to go" Bharat said lowering his head.

L(with tears in his eyes ):- You won't be alone will have company .

B:- Which company?(Bharat's eyes lit up with hope)

L:- The horses! 

He laughed but choked. 

Bharat didn't get irritated or hurt this time but he just hugged Laksh.

B:- I am going to miss this so much!

L:- And i am going to miss you bhaiya...i will miss you a lot.

As they broke the hug, Laksh removed one of the rings from his hand.

L:- Sumitra Maa gave me this. She said this brings good fortune and success..from today onwards it is yours! It will always remind you of me...whether we are close or far....alive or dead.

Bharat kept his finger on Laksh's lips.

"no!! Don't say that Laksh...i will never let that happen"

***********************************************************************************************Today sitting in his room...kissing the ring he repeated in between tears

"My brother, i will never let that happen"

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