Chapter 1: My Own Path.

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I asked myself, on that day in Polis, if I knew I was going to kill Pike but I never have a definitive answer. There was no plan, no decisive moment, all there was, was two people who in my mind could never exist together in the same space.
He should have let me die that day, not assumed I would just forgive and forget. Maybe that was it, the assumption that I would, could ever offer him that mercy after he murdered Lincoln. When you take away a persons whole world never make the mistake of letting them live. Retribution will always come knocking and wrath will have her way.
I felt nothing when my sword cut though his body. No hate, no anger, all I wanted was him gone from this world so I could erase him from my thoughts. After I'd watched his body fall to the ground I knew I was done with all of this. The politics of the clans, Skaikru, the fighting, the love, the loss, all of it.
As I walked away from that throne room leaving behind my brother Bellamy, I could feel his eyes upon me. My actions must have seemed so shocking to him but I no longer cared about judgment, or of the bond of blood. There has been too much sorrow for that bond to still remain,
for now at least.

I made my way out of Polis tower to the open air of what once was a thriving city. Blood and bodies covered the grounds. People were confused, in pain and full of tears at their actions under the influence of ALIE's chip.
I had one purpose left here, to find Indra.
Kane had let me know she was still alive, bound to a cross as she'd refused to take the chip. I never thought for one second she ever would. Her strength, her conviction always stood fast, a true warrior.
I frantically searched the grounds for her, until finally I saw her semi-conscious body upon one of those horrific crosses. She was covered in so much blood for a second I thought she was dead.
I called out to her, "Indra!" She answered by replying with my own name, "Octavia!" Her voice was hushed, she seemed surprised that help had arrived.
I had the aid of a couple of the commanders guards to help me cut Indra down. She had been badly beaten, her hands nailed to the wood. We found tools to pull the metal from her hands, my heart sank that it caused her so much pain, but there was no other way.
I sent the guards to fetch her some water as I wrapped her hands to stop the bleeding. She looked at me with despair in her eyes. What had they done to her? My mentor, the one person who other than Lincoln meant the world to me.

I looked over Indra, wiping the blood from her face, "The City of Light is gone, ALIE's influence is over

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I looked over Indra, wiping the blood from her face, "The City of Light is gone, ALIE's influence is over." I wanted my words to reassure her.
As selfless as ever she asked about Kane, knowing he wasn't himself when he gave the order to torture her. "He's alive", I said.
Indra nodded, relieved that he had survived. "And what of Pike?" She spoke his name with complete loathing, this man who had ordered the murder of her warriors, of Lincoln. My answer was short and to the point, "he's dead!"
"By your hand?" She asked.
"Yes, its over!" I looked her in the eyes, she could see my resolve. I think in some way Indra always knew it would end this way.
One of the guards returned with water and she was thankful it quenched her thirst. I looked at this woman before me, my teacher, even beaten and wounded she was still one of the strongest people I think I'd ever known.
She looked at me, her eyes becoming more alert, "will you stay in Polis? Despite it all you're still my second."
I wanted to say 'yes', to remain side by side with my mentor, but I couldn't stay. My path had changed, I needed to be alone with my grief for Lincoln. "I can't. I need time. You understand?" She nodded in silence at me.
I knew times ahead would be tough for Indra. Her Commander was dead, political unrest was bound to follow. She was destined to be in the middle of it all.
As I stood up I asked the guard to take care of her. I had my own path to follow, a journey away from The Hundred into the unknown. Walking away, leaving Polis behind, Indra called out to me, "Ste yuj, Octavia. Dont lose yourself in the wilderness!"
Her words echoed around my mind. Strong I can be, as for losing myself, that I can't promise.

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