Chapter 6: Luna.

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It was hard to say goodbye to Niylah, but we both knew it was time for me to move on. She provided me with supplies for my journey and some parting words, "You'll always have sanctuary here, Octavia. Never forget that." I smiled and urged my horse on before she could see the tear in my eye.
Into the woods I rode, following the directions in Lincolns book to the beach with the standing stones. The journey gave me time to think. My life had taken such a dark turn, I had lost my way and almost my life and my mind. The frightening thing was I could still feel that darkness trying to overwhelm me. It would be so easy to give in to it rather than fighting it. I always thought I was a strong person but that strength was being tested to its limits.
After a few days riding I reached that rocky beach. Looking out at the sea, to the misty horizon I breathed deeply the salty air. What if Luna refused to offer me a place with her clan? It was clear that Skaikru wasn't welcome there any longer. Did that stand for those who had left?
There was no point in wasting time. I collected as much dry wood as I could find, waited until dusk and started a signal fire. One by one I threw twigs from the native ferns onto it, illuminating the flames to a vibrant shade of green.

I sat and I waited

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I sat and I waited. Hours passed and I was beginning to loose hope. The ripples in the water suddenly changed, as the surface was broken by dark figures holding harpoons. They were here.
"State your business, Skaikru!" The mans voice was harsh towards me. I didnt expect a harmonious greeting from Floukru after last time I was here. I placed my sword on the ground and held up my hands, "I need to speak with Luna." He pointed his harpoon gun straight at me and made his feelings clear, "You're not welcome here!"
There was no way I would give up so easily, "I travel alone. Luna once offered me sanctuary, I need that now more than ever. Please."
They all looked at each other as they decided what to do with me. The man finally nodded and a woman approached me with a small bottle of liquid to render me unconscious. Floukru were nothing if not secretive about their location. I drank it without hesitating. Before I knew it the effects had taken hold and I blacked out.

 Before I knew it the effects had taken hold and I blacked out

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What seemed like seconds later was in fact hours. I woke up in an industrial room, the scent of salt in the air. I knew immediately I was on Lunas oil rig. Shadows danced on the walls as the candles flickered. From out of the shadows a figure appeared. She paused to look at me, checking to see if I was awake. Luna!
Her voice was soft, "so, you're finally done with fighting, Octavia of the sky people?" I couldn't work out if she was pleased to see me or I was about to get a one way ticket off that rig. "You once offered me a place here. Does that still stand?" Her eyes burned though me as she weighed up her decision before answering, "When your head clears come and find me. We have much to discuss." She walked out of the room leaving me with a new found hope, the possibility of a better future. Peace at last.

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