Chapter 3: The Tavern.

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I made my way though Trikru territory, riding around the edge of Tondc. I'm not sure if I would even be welcome there any longer. I may no longer be Skaikru but I doubt that would stop the grounders viewing me that way. Sky people, bringers of death, they called us and to a point I can understand why they would think that. Pikes massacre was the final nail in the coffin of Skaikru's reputation amongst the twelve clans.
Night was starting to fall and the bad weather seemed to be following me. I came across a small Trikru village that looked as though it had some kind of tavern there, a good possibility for shelter and food for the night.
The place was basic inside, old relics from a time long ago decorated the walls. A large fire was burning as a man sat beside it playing a fiddle. The atmosphere was fairly rowdy and as I moved though the grounders to the bar I could feel eyes watching my every move. It was abundantly clear strangers didn't visit here often.
The woman behind the bar eyed me suspiciously until I spoke to her in Trigedasleng, "What do you have to drink? I asked. She put a bottle of clear distilled spirit on the counter and poured a cup. I went to drink it, but she swiftly pulled it away, "What do you have to trade?" She sternly replied.
I pulled a small flashlight from my bag and switched it on. She seemed ready to trade but hesitated. I slammed a spare battery pack on the bar sealing the deal.
I sat at the bar for sometime drinking that incredibly strong hooch. It reminded me of the stuff Jasper use to make, no taste but it numbed everything from your body to your mind. It felt strange to be around so many people again, especially those who were viewing me with such suspicion. I could hear them whispering, their eyes fixed on my form. Thinking back maybe it was a mistake to have ever have gone to that tavern.

 Thinking back maybe it was a mistake to have ever have gone to that tavern

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The night rolled on as did the drinks. For some reason I had a high tolerance to alcohol much to the tavern owners suprise. It wasn't until my second bottle I started to feel any effects and by then I just didn't care.
As I sat drinking, keeping my head low, minding my own business, a man entered the tavern and pushed his way towards the bar. People seemed wary of him, allowing him through. I viewed him from the corner of my eye as he stood next to me. He was a large man with tattoos and scars on his face.
A conversation transpired between him and the tavern owner, which was less than amicable. As far as I could tell he was in the business of extorting trade from her in return for not setting her establishment on fire and ending her life. It would seem this village had it's own set of rules which didn't sit well with my sensibility.
The man promptly helped himself to liquor from behind the counter and tore the flashlight, I had traded with the woman, from her belt. He clicked it on and off, smirking at his new toy.
I've never been one for holding my tongue and with the amount of alcohol in my system there wasn't any chance of me changing that now. "I think you'll find that doesn't belong to you. Why don't you give it back to the lady?" My tone was calm as I continued to swallow my drink, never once making eye contact with him. He seemed stunned by my words, obviously not use to having his actions confronted. He turned to face me, "What did you say?"
I casually poured another drink, purposely making him wait for my reply, "If you're dumb enough not to heed my words the first time, maybe we shouldn't continue to try and have a conversation."
I continued with my drink as the whole tavern fell silent. The atmosphere was filled with tension. I caught the eye of the woman behind the bar, she was subtly shaking her head at me, warning me not to continue to anger the man. I ignored her and tempted fate.

At that point in my life I didnt always make the best decisions, my head and my heart were too clouded for that

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At that point in my life I didnt always make the best decisions, my head and my heart were too clouded for that.
After repeatedly infuriating the man at the tavern, things began to get heated. All eyes were on us as the tension thickened.
"Little girls should mind their business or maybe one day someone will cut out their tongue." Spat the grounder. He was obviously use to people shying away from his bad reputation.
I remained unimpressed by his threat, "Really? Maybe a sack of shit like you would do well not to anger little girls like me!"
I waited no time for him to act on my counter threat. A split second decision was made after the words left my mouth. I swiftly pulled a knife from my belt and stabbed it through his hand, pinning it to the bar. He yelled out in agony as I took a second blade and put it through his other hand. "Now, I can let you live but people like you don't have the capacity to learn and change. I let you go and you'll be back here within the week doing what you do."
I turned to face the tavern owner. It was clear he'd been extorting her for quite some time. I looked to her for a decision, his fate was in her hands. She nodded at me, tired of being a victim and I happily obliged to pass sentence. Pulling one of the knives from his hand, he begged for mercy. Words were all I offered him, "Yu gonplei ste odon!" And with that I pulled the blade across his throat.

I felt nothing as the blood gurgled and sprayed from his throat. I just watched as the life ebbed away from him. The room stood aghast, staring at what had just transpired. I looked each of my voyeurs in the eye as I removed the other knive that was in the grounders hand, allowing his body to slump to the floor. So they wanted to whisper about me in the shadows, well then I'd given them something to really focus on.
I called out to the crowd, unashamed by my actions, "maybe one of you could remove this asshole out of here and burn whats left of him so I can enjoy the rest of my drink!"
From the crowd two men surged forward and dragged his limp body away.

I returned to my seat and poured another drink

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I returned to my seat and poured another drink. People resumed their evening, the fiddler resumed his music, the conversation didnt change, it was still about the stranger sitting at the bar, I cared not. The tavern owner approached me and I handed her the flashlight once again. She voiced her thanks, "what you did here was beyond anything I could ever repay."
My reply was out of necessity, "all I need is a room for the night and food. I ask for nothing else."
An agreement was made. I finished my bottle as I cleaned the blood from my knives. Collecting my belongings I made my way to the back of the tavern to rest my head. That night in the tavern changed me, I had started to become detached, to touch on the dark side of my nature. I remember Indras words, telling me not to get lost in the wilderness. It was too late, the way back was already blocked by a fire I couldn't put out. All that remained was survival and the shadow of my former self.

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