Chapter 7: Unwanted Visitors.

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Luna agreed to allow me to stay. This new life bringing me the chance to heal my soul.
My time on the oil rig with her clan felt blessed. They accepted me even though I was once Skaikru. I spent much of my time there by Lunas side. She told me she knew of the darkness I carried. She'd fought it herself when training for her conclave. Legacy or not, grounder culture wanted to turn her into killer, she felt as though her Nightblood was a curse.
Luna took the time to train with me in defensive only combat and most importantly meditation, everything I needed to keep the monster at bay. I had my daily duties on the rig. Turned out I was pretty good at fishing. Finally I was a part of a community, a family. We would speak of Lincoln and his wish for peace and of Lunas losses, her brother and her lover, Derrick. All was well in my new life. I was contented and happy, but that was about to change.

We first noticed something was wrong when our fishing haul became sparse

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We first noticed something was wrong when our fishing haul became sparse. There were fewer birds in the sky. Storms raged more frequently and the seas became more violent. Something very bad was happening.
It wasn't until days after we had a meeting to discuss these issues that all was made clear.
Unexpected visitors had arrived to our community with frightening news that would effect us all. On the upper platform of the rig we were greeted by a member of Skaikru and a member of Trikru. Kane and Indra stood before us with words of warning. My heart sank.

Luna called out to them, "Trikru, Skaikru, why are you here?" Her voice was stern as Floukru guards surrounded them. Kane nervously answered, "We're here in peace. Clarke sent us, we need your help."
I seldom saw Luna angry, but at that moment her temper began to rise, "I'm not interested in anything Wanheda has to say!"
The atmosphere became tense. Indra approached me, closely watched by Floukru, "Octavia, there is very little time. We are all in great danger. No one is safe, not Trikru, not Skaikru, not Floukru, none of the clans." There was a sense of urgency in her voice.
I looked over at Luna to see if she would be willing to hear them out. Eventually she allowed them to be escorted below deck.
Kane and Indra informed us of everything from the impeding nuclear meltdown, how Luna's nightblood could help with immunity to the critical levels of radiation and that Clarke was now called The  Regent Commander. The clans had voted for her leadership to see us through the decimation that was about to come until Luna or another nightblood was found to lead.
I could tell talk of Lunas legacy made her feel uncomfortable. We spoke for many hours, until Luna requested I speak with her alone. Kane and Indra were offered food and rest after their long journey.

Luna seemed pensive, her thoughts weighed heavy, "these were once your people

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Luna seemed pensive, her thoughts weighed heavy, "these were once your people. Do you believe they are capable of averting this?"
I couldn't know for certain but with the level of environmental changes we'd seen action had to be taken. I breathed deeply, contemplating my reply, "the last thing I wanna do is leave here, but something is very wrong, we've seen it with our own eyes. I may not always agree with Clarke but if there's a way through this she'll find it. Dont we have a duty to protect our clan, our family no matter what?"
She smiled at me and nodded, "you've come a long way, Octavia Kom Floukru. I'm proud of you."
I smiled back. Her words meant the world to me. I knew we would always stand together, Luna and I.

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