Chapter 8: The Road Back.

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The next day a small delegation of Floukru escorted Kane and Indra back to the mainland. Members of Trikru and Skaikru were waiting for us with horses to begin this journey to meet with Clarke. A messenger had been sent stating that Luna would only meet on neutral ground away from the capital. Even if it was true Clarke was offering her a full pardon for fleeing her conclave, Luna was still wary of retuning to Polis as was I.

Riding side by side with her, I spoke with Luna and what eventually returning to Polis meant for her, "what will you do if they ask you to take the flame, to become commander?" She sighed, still unsure of her decision in this matter, "my blood the...

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Riding side by side with her, I spoke with Luna and what eventually returning to Polis meant for her, "what will you do if they ask you to take the flame, to become commander?"
She sighed, still unsure of her decision in this matter, "my blood they can have if it helps as for the flame, I don't know. I never wanted to be commander, I never wanted to train. None of us really did, even Lexa. We were all brought to Polis at such a young age, no choice was ever given. The moment we trained for our conclave our lives were already gone, either by death or by sacrificing our freedom to lead the clans. A child should not have that weight on their shoulders."
Luna look sorrowful as she recalled her difficult past. She was a woman of peace with no love of the violent ways The Grounders Clans had come to embrace. I had no inclination if she would eventually agree to take The Flame, I only knew that the woman who rode beside me was a leader of the people much like Lexa once was.
As we moved ever closer to our destination, my nerves tried their hardest to get the better of me. I'd not seen Clarke or any of the others for some time and so much had happened since that day I'd left Polis. I slowed my breathing and remembered the meditations Luna had taught me. Eventually I found my calm just in time as we approached out destination.

 Eventually I found my calm just in time as we approached out destination

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Rain started to fall. There was an acrid taste to it, an unfortunate sign of things to come. In the near distance I saw flaming torches and a large group of grounders. Ahead of them all stood Clarke dressed in full commanders armour and warpaint.
She was different than the Clarke Griffin I left behind, she exuded a regal strength I'd never seen before. She was every bit The Regent Commander Kane and Indra had spoken of, Lexa would have been proud.

It seemed we'd all changed since the fall of the City of Light

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It seemed we'd all changed since the fall of the City of Light. I was returning to visit my old clan with apprehension, but with a new found strength. I was ready to face the apocalypse, no longer The Lost Warrior.

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