Chapter Seven - Cookie?

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I was on the phone with Sonia and she told me she couldn't work today because she got a cold last night.

"Don't do any lovey dovey with you know who when I'm not there, okay?" Sonia teased which made me roll my eyes.

"Shut up! How many times do I have to tell you that we didn't do any-"

"Then why are you being so defensive?" She countered back which was followed by a sneeze.

Sonia kept on bugging me about what she saw last night when I was just communicating with Cookie and for crying out loud, she was making the ointment he gave me a huge deal.

I know that Sonia is just kidding with me, but I can't help myself from feeling annoyed and answering back at her.

"Whatever, I'm hanging up and you should rest, I don't know what I would do without you here." We finally said our goodbyes to each other before I end the call.

The day was so long and tiring when Sonia is not around. I'm already dead tired but it's only the afternoon.

I'm going back and forth to the kitchen and to the counter and I'm starting to get dizzy. I have to do the lettering of the cakes and heat coffees and get orders while Cookie is distributing the cakes and other orders, cleaning the tables, and washing the dishes.

We were all around the shop and extremely busy that we forgot to eat lunch and now that dinner has come and the customers have decreased, we were too drained to mind one another.

I. can't. believe. I. survived.

It was already closing time and I was only waiting for two customers to finish, but looking at them now, it looks like they have no plans to leave yet. I see Cookie staring at them too and it's obvious from his face that he wanted them to get up and leave.

Thinking of it now, he is not that bad at all. He could've left me here and let me do all the job, but he didn't and he never complained doing jobs of two to three persons. He even managed the counter for me when I had to design a cake.

I also cannot believe he's younger than me.

Ohmygod, why am I being like this all of a sudden???

Anyway, no matter how much I want to go home and let these two human beings leave, I still treasure my customers because without them, I couldn't help my brother pay for the electric, water, and rental bills.

I caught Cookie yawn and plop his self on a chair and rest his head on the table.

Wow, now he has the guts to rest before the actual owner???

But he really looked tired and I just realized that he haven't eaten at all while here I am who secretly made time to get small bites of a chicken sandwich as I decorated cakes.

I may seem like a heartless person with a face of an angel (wut), but I also have a heart... for cold and arrogant boys.

No matter how much I hate what I'm about to do, I swallowed my pride and went to the kitchen.

I honestly don't know what to get him. Does he even like cakes? I searched more in the kitchen and all I found was cake because duh this is a cake shop. After deciding on what cake to give him, I ended up choosing a cookie flavored cake.

Maybe he likes cookies because he was named after one?

He was still there in the last place I saw him, unmoved. I quietly walked my way to him and placed the tray with the cake and apple juice on top of the table.

He must be asleep that he didn't notice I have placed something in front of him already.

"Hey, eat up!" Oops! That came out rude.

"You haven't eaten anything so yeah eat t-this." I made a follow up to clean up the latter one as I watch his head rise from the table.

"Wow, I never thought you were a caring person." He finally answered, his voice raspy and I have no idea if he was being sarcastic or not. Wait-

Did he just mimicked me?!

"Chill. I was just joking, noona." He smirked at me and my ears started to bleed (not literally) because of the word "older sister". "Anyway, thank you for the food..."

And in an instant, I shut my eyes closed as if it would prevent me from hearing that word again, but no. Ugh.



I tried to forget what I just heard and sat on the chair in front of him.

"I'm sorry." I managed to say and you have no idea how much guts I have to bring and how much pride I have to lose.

"Are you saying sorry... to a... wall?" I heard him ask which caused me to open my eyes in an instant and yes I was facing a wall.

And yes, I didn't want to look at him. I can't believe after 1747293619 years, I was going to be the one to apologize first.

"I was saying it to you, dummy." I matter-of-factly stated, now looking at a shooked Cookie (lol jungshook).

Now that I have said it to him, silence showered upon us. Like why isn't he replying? Why is he just studying my self?!

"Well, I wanted to say that to you too." He finally answered, coolly. "So are we friends no-"


"WHY WERE YOU NAMED COOKIE?!" Wow. I can't believe I finally said it.

"COOKIE?!" He sounded surprised as he said his name. "ALL ALONG, YOU THOUGHT MY NAME WAS COOKIE?"

lol wut

Author's Note
YAY They're finally friends and lol at the ending tho. So what did you guys think of it???

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